15] Getting sorted (Part 2)

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An hour earlier

Teen Titans, on the way

"I could have driven myself, you know."

Damian remarked and rolled his head to the side to look at Dick, who just sent him a knowing grin before looking back to the road.

"I know. It's kind of hard to forget when every time we round this exact mountain you remind me," Damian scoffed but didn't further protest.

He hated it, in the beginning, being chauffeured around like a baby, but then he realized there were a lot of easier ways to get to the tower or even be sent.

But every time either Bruce or Dick insisted on driving him.

He knew it wasn't because they didn't trust him or he was too young to be on his own because neither was an option anymore.

And that made him internally grateful if not a little happy.

They just wanted to spend time with him like a normal family would even if they didn't outright admit it.

Because to be fair when did anyone connected to the Batman acknowledge they had feelings?

"So, how are you and Jon feeling about being responsible for Peter?" Dick asked as the Titans tower came into view and they were soon pulling up just outside.

"I've trained people before," Damian dismissingly replied.

They climbed out of the car, "I know, but you're not just training him, Damian. You and Jon are supposed to be mentoring him, guiding him."

Damian looked at his brother an unreadable expression holding his face before he scoffed and shrugged, "The same principles apply," he stated.

Dick sighed, "I guess, just try to remember he is somewhat family."

"Your point?" Damian asked.

"Try not to behead him on his first day," Dick breathily chuckled with a smile.

Damian's gaze dropped to the concrete beneath them as if he were thinking about something before he thoughtfully nodded.

Dick couldn't exactly ask for more as he handed Damian his duffle bag but before he could get too far he held a firm hand down on his younger brother's forearm.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

Damian mentally listed off what Dick could possibly be talking about before smiling widely and holding out his hand, Dick playfully rolled his eyes as he laid Damian's sheathed katana into his hold.

"Thank you, Grayson."

"No problem, kiddo," Dick smiled taking the rare opportunity of gratitude to ruffle Damian's hair a groan escaping him at the contact before he lightly pushed Dick's hand and arm away from him.

"Damian," Kori called out from the front door a happy smile curving her lips, "Nightwing," she greeted equally as warm as she flew a foot off the ground toward the two.

"Kori, good to see you," Dick returned the gesture he reached a hand out for either a hug or handshake but got neither when Starfire leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

And people say I don't have superpowers, Dick thought.

More than a decade of dating and every single one of his exes were still good friends of his.

"Robin," Kori pulled him in for a hug, Damian learned from experience that with the Titans it was just better to not fight them when it came to their neediness of friendly physical contact and placed a hand on Starfire's back begrudgingly as he liked to call it returning the hug.

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