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"God! You're so stupid~!" he laughs.

"Urm,nope.whatever it is you're stupid~'' I said back. We both laugh and he pulls me in for a kiss.

We broke the kiss after a few seconds.

" I love you ~" he said as his eyes looks directly into mine.

''I love you too--jerk~'' I said as I pulled him for another quick kiss--just a peck.

He huffed.

''You know what would be so unforgettable for this year~?" he asked. I looked at him and smirked.

"No~'' I said sheepishly.

He then smiled softly at me before pecking my lips for a second and...

He did the thing that I was waiting for my whole life just for  this moment.

He get down on one knee...

" w-wait a minut--"

''Will you marry me,stupid~?'' he said and chuckled a bit.

I giggled...

My lips quiver and trembled before I finally broke down into tears. Overflowing tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry Rudy--I can't- I just can't--b'cuz I just--I just can't say no,idiot!of course it's a yes,stupid! Why is that even a question!!! ''

He smiled at me. I smiled back at him.

And that was the moment we felt our heart lit with sparks around us as our lips unite--

With pure joy and full of hopes for the future.

De End~~



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