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Waktu rehat~(di lobby akademi)

Ali:*memain ngan comot di satu sudut*

Chris:he's cho kiyut!

All de other ejens:*gulps*'habislah ko😱


All de other ejens:*geleng kepala* nothin'--oup!


Chris:y-yes?*perlahan-lahan pusing menghadap orang itu*

Rudy:nk mati?


Rudy: do you wanna die?😑💢

Chris:.....*xpaham paham lol*

Rudy:yeah i know he's cute but he's mine. Touch  him and I'll kill you.faham- eh...manedie...hmph*jongket bahu, blah*

-meanwhile,with Chris-

Chris:*kini terbongkang di depan ejen muda lain sebab kaki tersepak lipas sebab terkontang kanting lari utk nyawanya*

All de other ejens:padahnya klau ko try nk ngorat hak milik mutlak orang lain. jaga-jagalah...haih...*geleng kepala*

Meanwhile our lil' cinnamon roll x pam ape yg berlaku.

Ali:*garu kepala sambil dukung Comot ngan muka blurnya yg tomeiy*wut happened?

Bosan,x tau nk buat ape sebab tu publish chap ni dulu. Apepun plz VOTE,COMMENT and FOLLOW. And have a good night.

C u 2morrow😂✌

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