Book cover kat atas👆👆(aq amik kat Google chrome😂💩😎✌️)
Hai Hai Hai !!!!!
How khabar u all readers?!(eiy gediknya!macam nk bagi penampor!😂💩) Oh and btw,aq ade buat cite baru..serbulah kalau nk😂kalau x Nak xpe,sebab.....Kau akan bace gak kalau dah xde buku lain tuk dibace😂#plzdon'tkecammarahme..
Judul buku= Diari 1 Malam
Anyways,VOTE COMMENT and FOLLOW!!!!!
Tata. Titi. Tutu🍌💢
RuLi One Shots [SLOW UPDATE]
RandomUpdate bila free!!! Already written on the title that this ship contains gay ship Rudy x Ali OPEN REQUESTS!!!