𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐.

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Eleanor arrived at Valentine, from her normal attire of weather worn coat paired with a shirt and pants along with boots and a hat she differed. This time, she wore a navy blue dress, the only dress she owned and only wore on special occasions such as today. Today is the day where she won't have to hunt for the next few weeks and can get herself new clothes. Today is the day where she robs the Valentine bank. 

As planned in her journal, Eleanor rode out the back of the Valentine Bank, looking quite suspicious. To her luck however, those daunting rain clouds from earlier had carried some luck. It was raining, which restricted locals to staying indoors, especially in Valentine. A little bit of rain and the town turns to slop. She dismounted, petting Seyfret on the neck.

"You stay here boy, and get ready to run," some might think she's crazy talking to an animal that can't respond back. But when you've been alone for years, sometimes it's good to talk to some form of company. Without her horse Seyfret, she would've gone mad by now. She grabbed her schofield revolver from her saddle bag. The iron was black with a beautifully engraved pattern in silver. The barrel of the mean gun read 'being brave and being stupid are two very different things', a quote her father Otis Miller told the man before that man took his life. Imagine your own friend killing you. Ripping her eyes away from the words that brought back a pained thought, she shoved the barrel into the back of her skirt, tucking the shirt over it. Now that the gun was completely out of view, she left Seyfret and walked on the wooden floorboards that wrapped around the Bank. Walking alongside the building as she came around the corner, Eleanor watched as a couple walked out, the woman clinging to the man's arm with an excited grin on her face. She looked in the man's hands to see money, a whole lot of it. It was pay day for the sellers. Smirking to herself, Eleanor walked into the Bank. There was a line up, as expected. The woman puckered her bright red lips in annoyance but she hung at the back of the line, blending in. Eventually the line became shorter and shorter, until she found herself at the counter. Unaware of what had happened, she had to try and come up with something.

"Hello ma'am. You here to collect your earnings?" The Bank Teller asked. Eleanor placed her hands on the counter, holding on to the edge of the wooden block that separated the two.

"My husband's, actually. You see, he's fallen ill. I'm new to this whole auctioning thing, I stay out of the way. It's my husband's work," Eleanor put on a French accent. "He says it's not lady like for me to auction animals. Is there anything I must do?"

"Well," The man trailed off, looking at the woman in doubt. "I need his name, and the stock number. He was given it on the day of the auction so we know how much he will receive once his stock was sold-" The two were cut open to a woman entering the Bank. 

"I'm ruined! I'm-" the woman began to sob uncontrollably. Eleanor frowned, turning to face her. The woman was blonde, wearing a beautiful burgundy dress. Eleanor slipped towards the side, staying out of the way of the upset woman. "I'm..." she began to sob.

"I'm not sure this is quite the place..." the Bank Teller trailed off awkwardly. He looked over at the guards, hoping they would do something. But there wasn't much they could do, their job was to protect the money, not help distressed women. 

"He said he loved me!" The woman explained, her face screwing up in heartbreak. Eleanor frowned, starting to grow suspicious. Why, especially today, was this happening? Eleanor, now to the side of the scene and near the wall slowly reached for the back of her dress. "He said he's make a lady of me!" 

"Would you care to..." The man was interrupted by the woman continuing.

"I'm-I'm with child and it's... I don't wanna go back to the workhouse!" She explained through tears. Eleanor knew this was a set up, this woman was going to rob the place too. Eleanor rested her hand on the grip of her revolver, ready to reveal her gun when an innocent man walked over to the lady.

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