𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖.

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Eleanor was outside brushing Seyfret. She felt ashamed that she abandoned the horse for the last few days. She was so focused on running and staying alive that she had forgotten about her best friend. 

"I'm sorry, boy," Eleanor apologised to the horse. Seyfret however was happily munching on the green grass seeming unphased by the world around him. If only she could be like him. The bristles of the brush removed the dirt from his coat along with stray hairs from the previous winter, watching the transformation she was giving him was satisfying. Seyfret loved attention,  food more but also attention. Eleanor became startled when Seyfret's head shot up and his jaw falling to a stand still as he stared into the distance behind her. Eleanor frowned, placing her hand on the horse's neck as she followed his gaze. To her alarm, a rider was approaching. With night beginning to fall it was too difficult to tell who it was. Noticing the expected white flecks on Charles' horse didn't glisten, Eleanor expected trouble. She quickly hurried over to the porch and grabbed her rifle she had leant up against the railing. Picking up the weapon she peered through the sight, aiming at the incoming rider. Eleanor frowned as the rider became recognisable as they approached. "Arthur?" Eleanor called out in disbelief. She didn't expect him to be back so soon. Eleanor dropped her aim, staring at her lover in disbelief as he halted before her. Arthur restrained from grinning as he stared at her before dismounting. "You... you're..." Eleanor was lost for words. The past few days she had been preparing for the worst of news about Arthur. Going back into Valentine had been a death wish and somehow here he was, back alive and sooner than she expected. 

"I know," Arthur approached her. He stood before her for a moment, Eleanor completely frozen in shock. Arthur looked at the rifle in her hands before gently taking it from her and leaning it back up against the railing of the stairs. Arthur then opened his arms up for her. Eleanor grinned before hugging him, feeling his body heat against her as his arms secured tightly around her. Eleanor hated appearing as vulnerable and soft but when with Arthur she found she enjoyed that. She discovered a new person inside of her when she was with him, someone who cared about the people around her but also herself. Her whole life the world had been a cold, brutal place. She saw the world as black and white but with him there was colour and life would wash over and make her feel appreciative of being alive. 

Arthur broke the hug when he brought a hand up to the right side of her face, thumb resting on her jaw. She felt entranced by his blue eyes that stared lovingly into hers. He inched his face to hers, Eleanor following his lead before their lips met. The two shared a passionate kiss, Arthur bringing both his hands to cup her face as he held the woman close to him, never wanting it to end. Eleanor reached up to the top of his head and took his hat before wrapping her arms around his neck, holding the leather hat by the brim as she gave them more room. 

Eventually the two parted. Eleanor grinned up at the man before placing the hat back on his head. Arthur chuckled as Eleanor stepped back before he repositioned the hat on his head. Eleanor grabbed his head, noticing the slight flinch he had as a finger touched his knuckle for a split second. Noticing this, Eleanor looked down to see a bleeding knuckle in her hand. She looked back at him, he did get David. 

"Let's talk inside, I'll get you cleaned up," Eleanor murmured. Arthur nodded as Eleanor led him inside, holding his hand. She led him up the porch stairs, Arthur picking up her rifle before hand to bring it with them. Eleanor opened the door before closing it behind them. Once the door was closed, Eleanor noticed Arthur staring at the blood splattered walls that had stained as well as the blood stained floor. Arthur looked at her in concern, even he knew it was fairly recent despite it being stained. "I'll explain later, for now you take a seat," Eleanor ordered as she pulled out a chair at the table before walking over to the kitchen counter. With her back to him, Eleanor heard Arthur walk over to the chair before sitting down. Eleanor retrieved the steel bucket full of water from the counter top and carried it over to the table, placing it down beside the chair she would sit in. Sitting down, Eleanor tugged the rag out of the pocket of her pants before dropping the rag into the water and letting it soak. Eleanor ushered for Arthur to hand her his hand.

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