𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗.

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Eleanor trudged through the mud filled streets of Valentine, Sheriff Malloy and his deputy on either side of her. Eleanor stared blankly ahead as people cursed at her, some people even crying. She guessed a loved one must have been one of her many victims once upon a time. The walk felt long and the ropes around her wrists were tight, she knew the sheriff and his deputy were scared of her. Her body ached with pain from her fight with Micah, the wound in her leg still bandaged tightly from that bounty hunter. Staring ahead of her, Eleanor found it easier to block out the hatred being thrown at her. 

Eleanor heard a chuckle, the only chuckle amongst the shouts. Eleanor looked in the direction to see the man she had almost drowned weeks ago standing out the front of the Saloon, whiskey in one hand and a prostitute in the other. She kept eye contact with the man as she walked, only dropping once he got out of her vision. She knew his ego shrunk with her cold stare once his chuckle had faded. Outside the general store she saw an interesting looking man, he looked very different to anyone else in Valentine.

This man has scars across his face and soot black hair. He looked at her, watching her closely. It was as if he knew her. The man smoked on a cigarette before tossing it to the side and walking away in the alleyway between the Store and the Saloon. Eleanor frowned, confused to who he was. He appeared as a man who had been through it all with the daunting scars across his face but the way he watched her had caught her attention. She thought she had noticed a flash of determination in his eyes. 

Eleanor found herself walking up the stairs onto the gallows, a noose hanging already. It was waiting for her. Eleanor couldn't freeze up, not with a loaded shotgun aimed into her back. She had already been warned that if she stopped or tried anything she would have shotgun slugs loaded into her. They figured it wouldn't matter because either way she was going to die. The locals who had watched her walk through the town had now gathered around, waiting in anticipation to see her neck snap. Eleanor was shoved over to the noose, staring through the loop. She felt her breath hitch, the terrifying reality finally hitting her. The man slipped the noose over her head, Sheriff Malloy moving beside her as he watched the man tighten the noose. Eleanor winced as the rope rubbed harshly against her skin. She stared at her hands tied in front of her, quickly blinking the tears of fear away before looking out into the crowd. 

"Township of Valentine!" Sheriff Malloy began, hushing the chatter of the folk. The chatter fell silent, the crowd looking up at the gallows. "Today we gather here to watch the law be put into place on one of the most notorious outlaws roaming the states. Eleanor Miller," Malloy paused to look at her before looking out at the crowd again. "Is a woman of unkind actions, claiming the lives of many selfishly. She has tortured, murdered, robbed, and burned for many years all at a young age."

Eleanor's mind wandered off to memories. Her family, all of the happy times they shared. There weren't many but they were still there. She treasured those deeply. All her successes such as robbing Seyfret from an unnecessary rich man, right under his nose. Luckily Seyfret seemed to enjoy her company and the two became life long companions. That horse always did good by her. Her mind soon wandered to Arthur. Did he know about the hanging? He would've seen it in the Paper no doubt. He probably heard about what happened with Micah too. Arthur was one of the only men Eleanor had grown close to in a long time. She could see his pure heart amongst the hard lifestyle they lived in, likewise with her. The two were undoubtly compatible, having many things in common. She wondered if he would miss her. 

"Eleanor Miller's sentence is to be hung by the neck until dead. Remember, we do not have any joy in such tasks but they must be done to bring law and order to the country. Eleanor Miller," Malloy looked at her. "Any last words?" Eleanor paused, staring out at the crowd. 

"My name will live on," Eleanor announced loudly, the crowd letting out disgusted shouts, Eleanor smirking at the expected response. She knew it was true, after her death her name would be written in the History books. Her name would live on for many years. Sheriff Malloy looked over at the deputy and gave him a single nod. Eleanor heard the man's footsteps walk towards the lever. She closed her eyes, taking in her final breaths and letting the wind blow gently on her back for one last time. 

"Eleanor Miller. May God have mercy on your soul," The Sheriff muttered. Not even a moment too late the whizz of a bullet ripped through the Deputy's skull, the man's hand falling off of the lever as he fell to the ground. Gasps and screams filled the crowd as the crowd broke. Another bullet whizzed, piercing through the rope that held her neck. Eleanor fell, the noose not supporting her stand no more. It hurt to put pressure on the leg with the wound. She looked at the Sheriff who went to get his revolver from his holster to end her life as he promised. Eleanor let out a hiss of pain as she managed to use her legs to trip the man over. Sheriff Malloy fell to the ground on his butt. Eleanor quickly reached for his revolver, snatching it from his holster and shooting the man in both of his knee caps, preventing him from following her. The Sheriff howled in pain, falling onto his back as he wept. 

Footsteps ran up the stairs onto the Gallows, Eleanor quickly turning and aiming only for her aim to fall. Arthur Morgan. She felt herself release a sigh of relief as the man darted over to her, bullets still whizzing as the held off any lawmen who tried to approach. Whoever was sniping was a good shot. 

"You're okay," Arthur muttered as he took the blade of his knife and cut her bound hands free. Without thinking as soon as her hands were free Eleanor wrapped her arms around the man, hugging him in relief. Arthur chuckled at the woman's affection before pulling away from her and tucking his knife away. "Let's get you out of here," he insisted. 

"I can hardly walk," Eleanor informed, pointing to her thigh with the bandage. Arthur's eyes flickered down to it, nodding at her before getting to his feet. 

"I'll help you. John's gone to get your guns from the Office," Arthur informed. Eleanor assumed John must have been one of his fellow Gang Mates. "Charles will cover us the best he can." Eleanor raised an eyebrow in surprise. That was the man who aimed his sawed off shotgun into her face after spooking Seyfret and pushing her back onto the ground. Now he was saving her life. What a strange world. Arthur stretched a hand down to her which Eleanor took. The man pulled the woman to her feet before placing her arm around his neck and his left arm around her waist. The woman hobbled along with the Sheriff's gun in her left hand. She preferred shooting with her right but she was just as good with her left. Arthur and Eleanor fired bullets at oncoming lawmen, some dropping from the bullets from the Sniper. Eleanor looked around for Charles, spotting him up on the hill behind Valentine's church and Keane's Saloon. He laid on the hill, his sniper propped up in front of him as he peered through the scope. "Left!" Arthur called out to her. Eleanor looked to her left, aiming the revolver and firing, her and Arthur both firing together. The wave of lawmen fell amongst the mud and blood from the already fallen.

"Micah, he-" Eleanor sighed as she hobbled along with Arthur who led her back the way she had walked. Instead of the streets being full of townsfolk it was now a warzone. Arthur nodded. 

"I know, we'll talk about that once we get out of here. The horses are outside Keane's Saloon, John'll be at them by now," Arthur explained. The two continued to push through, shooting anyone who ran at them. Eleanor would occasional stumble, Arthur quickly catching her. They rounded the corner, the Saloon in view. Seyfret was there waiting, Arthur or one of the boys must've found him. She grinned in relief, excited to see her horse safe and sound. 

"Come on! We need to go now," John shouted. Eleanor looked at the man after he shot a lawman to see it was the same scarred face man she had seen. He appeared very intimidating which is why she was curious about him in the first place and well now it made sense. 

"Can you ride on your own?" Arthur asked her as John continued to cover them. Eleanor realised the sniper had stopped once they got out of his view. He would meet them somewhere most likely. Eleanor nodded before Arthur helped the woman up into her saddle. She spotted her gun belt draped over John's shoulder, he really did go get it for her as Arthur said he would. The  two men quickly took a break from shooting before leading her out of Valentine, Eleanor catching glimpse of Charles riding down the hill towards them on a beautiful Appaloosa. The four of them shot their way out of Valentine, soon they managed to hit the road without tailing lawmen. The four made a break for it, galloping away.

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