𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑.

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Eleanor walked through the same double doors she passed through a few days ago now, her eyes scanning the room. There were people, a lot. She pulled her face down slightly, covering her face from anyone who looked at her. Eleanor walked to the counter, clearing her thoat.

"'Cuse me, I need assistance," Eleanor announced. She watched as Alden was at the other end, serving a man with some train tickets. She waited until she saw Alden turn around, his face falling when he noticed who it was. Eleanor could see fear fill the man from head to toe, his face falling completely pale as if he had seen a ghost. For all he knew she could have been a ghost if she had gotten killed. 

"Y-you... you're-" Alden began, the clammy man staying back slightly. Eleanor nodded at her, holding her tongue as she grabbed her gun from the leather holster on her hip, placing the revolver on the counter aiming at him, her finger on the trigger.

"Let's talk outside, shall we?" She offered in a grunt. Alden looked around, looking at the people. Everyone was oblivious to what was going on. He looked at her, nodding quickly in panic. Eleanor nodded, placing her gun back in her holster. Alden exited the counter after putting up his little break sign, causing groans of annoyance from people who were waiting in line. Alden walked over to her, Eleanor placing a hand on the man's shoulder as she guided him out of the double doors that lead out to the waiting bay for the train. As soon as they got outside she used her forced and pushed Alden against the nearest wall, her forearm across his neck as she pinned him to the wall. The man gasped loudly from the impact with the wall before Eleanor drew her gun with her other hand, aiming the weapon at his gut. Alden's eyes were wide with fear, staring directly at her. "Bet you didn't expect to see me again, huh?" Eleanor hissed angrily. 

"Ma'am I-I-I-I'm sorry!" He stuttered quickly. Eleanor heard gasps and utters of shock around them from the people who sat outside, the seats clearing quickly as they ran off in panic. 

"You were going to have me killed," she hissed, inching her face closer to his. She pressed the barrel of the revolver into his skin, the man flinching and then tensing up in fear. "Why would you do that, Alden? You've never met me."

"I didn't know who you was!" Alden explained, his eyes still wide in terror. "I-I-I... he payed me! It was good pay!" Alden attempted to defend his actions. Eleanor scoffed, cocking her revolver. Eleanor was satisfied to see the man fill with terror at the sound of a bullet loading into the chamber. 

"Do you know who the hell you're talking to?" Eleanor scolded in disgust. Her eyebrows furrowed down into a frown as she pressed her forearm firmer against the man's neck when he tried to wiggle away like a hopeless worm. "Eleanor fucking Miller. A way better gun than Micah Bell," Eleanor hissed. Alden swallowed in fright as she continued. "I am the daughter of Otis Miller, I am his blood. I sure as shit have his blood!"

"Oh, okay okay! Let's just calm do-" Alden tried to compromise. Eleanor chuckled before grabbing his shoulders and shoving him hard back into the wall. Alden yelped in pain from the impact, Eleanor pinning him against the wall again. "I'm sorry!" He apologised before beginning to sob.

"Do you know how many cowards I've killed that have tried to kill me or have me killed? Too many to count on my fingers," Eleanor warned him. "You better give me a damn good reason not to kill you too."

"I can't," he shook as he sobbed. "I can't give you a reason because I know I'm a coward."

"Well it's good that you know, Alden," Eleanor nodded at him.

"But you're a bad person, Miss. Isn't that how your life goes? Live by the gun die by it?" Alden questioned. Eleanor frowned at him, annoyed that he managed to think of something smart. She was surprised that he managed to find the courage to make smart remarks with a revolver aimed at his gut. 

𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗬 ➳ 𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟮Where stories live. Discover now