𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖.

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"He'll listen eventually, Hosea," John muttered. Arthur sat at the rectangle table, feet up as he smoked on a cigarette. Arthur nodded in agreement with John, Hosea sitting across from him not looking so sure. 

"He will. You're the only person who will get his head straight," Arthur encouraged. The old man wasn't too confident, he had been trying but Dutch wasn't budging. As soon as Hosea would leave his side Micah would be at Dutch's ear again. The three men were keeping their heads low, they didn't want anyone else getting involved in this. 

"I'm trying, I am. But at this rate, he'll damn us all," Hosea grumbled, looking over at John who stood beside Arthur. Arthur passed John his cigarette, offering it to the man. John accepted, taking it and taking a drag before handing it back to him. 

"Dutch or Micah?" John chuckled. Hosea snorted, shrugging. Either one would, or both. Arthur heard hooves approaching. He looked over Hosea to see Micah riding back, slightly slouched in his saddle. 

"Speak of the devil-" Arthur grunted before being interrupted by Bill who was rushing over to Micah from guard duty. 

"Dutch! Something's wrong with Micah!" Bill shouted towards the camp. This grabbed the attention of everyone. Susan and Mary-beth joined Bill's side, helping the groaning man down from Baylock. Abigail slowly walked over, John pulling the woman beside him. He hated Micah and knew Micah was always trying to sidle up to Abigail. He didn't want her near him and it was understandable. 

"I could name more than something," Arthur muttered earning a small chuckle from John. Hosea shushed them as Dutch hurried past them from his tent.

"What happened, son?" Dutch asked, looking at the blonde man in curiosity. The man removed his hand from his hand, revealing a bloody hand and head. Arthur took notice of the sprayed blood on the man's clothes as well as the scratches all over his face.

"That damn Miller bitch," Micah hissed. Arthur's heart sunk, John noticing the man tense up beside him. "She jumped me, Dutch. She did all of this," Micah growled before wincing in pain. Dutch frowned before stepping aside. 

"Bill, get him somewhere comfortable. Susan and Mary-Beth, tend to him would you?" He asked. The two women nodded, following Bill and Micah as Bill half carried Micah. Dutch stood by himself for a while, lost in thoughts before finally moving. As he turned around his face was screwed up in anger, staring straight at Arthur and Hosea. He marched over.

"I told you," Dutch spat at them before marching back to his tent, closing the flaps behind him. Molly watched on before following Dutch into the tent to comfort the man. 

"What's going on?" Abigail hissed at the men, keeping her voice low. John shook his head at the woman, wanting her to stop before she got involved.

"Everything's fine, dear," Hosea ensured the woman. Abigail's eyes narrowed at them, seeing through their lie.

"You tell me that when my son is dead if this backfires onto all of us," she snarled before giving John a final look and marching away. Arthur sighed, giving John a look as if to follow the woman. John nodded, hesitantly walking after the furious woman. 

"You think he'll tell her?" Arthur asked Hosea. Hosea shrugged.

"If he does she won't say a word. Abigail's a good woman," Hosea reminded. Arthur nodded in agreement. "Do you think Eleanor really attacked him?" Arthur looked at the man in disbelief.

"Of course not," Arthur grunted. "Micah's up to something. Whatever happened he had a part in it for sure," Arthur explained. He looked at Hosea, removing his eyes from John and Abigail as John pulled the woman over to his tent to talk. "I'm going to go see if she's at her camp," Arthur muttered quietly to him.

"She's still at Ringneck Creek?" Hosea asked quietly. Arthur nodded in response before walking off towards his horse. Arthur quickly mounted his horse before galloping away from the camp. He heard Charles call out to him as he ran along the path that led to their camp. Arthur didn't stop, crossing the road and hitting the grass as he galloped towards Ringneck Creek.

He needed to know she was okay. If Micah got his hands on her he would have messed her up bad or worse. His heart sank at the thought of her being dead somewhere. Micah told Dutch he had a lead and was going to go investigate it, he never said where. Micah knew if he did Arthur would go looking or follow. If only Eleanor had hit him harder in the head, maybe he would have never returned to the gang at all. 

Arthur dismounted quickly, almost tripping as he hit the ground awkwardly.

"Eleanor?" Arthur called out, scanning the area. There was no sign of her. Arthur headed into her camp, looking inside of her tent. Nothing. "Eleanor!" He shouted louder, looking down the creek. There was no sign of her. Arthur swallowed his worry, sitting down by her dying campfire. He buried his head in his hands.

Where is she?

Arthur sat quietly in the camp for the next two days, Hosea trying to talk to him. All day Arthur would sit by the Flat Iron Lake, staring out across the large lake or in his cot, worrying. There had been nothing about Eleanor, no reports of a found body or anything. As for Micah, he was up and about again. He was keeping his distance from Arthur because he knew Arthur was on to him. 

That morning John rushed over to Arthur, slapping the News Paper onto the man's lap as he sat on a rock outside of camp, looking out at the Lake. Arthur frowned looking down at it.

"She's in Valentine," John kept his voice low. Arthur picked up the paper, reading the cover to see that Eleanor was brought into Valentine yesterday by a bounty hunter to be hung... today. He looked at John with wild eyes, they had to get her out of there. 

"We have to stop the hanging," Arthur informed. John nodded in agreement.

"I was going to see if Hosea wanted to help but he's off pestering Catherine Braithwaite. So I was thinking Charles. Javier's too loyal to Dutch and Bill... no," John muttered. Arthur nodded in agreement. Charles would ride with him, all of them would. But like John said, Javier would never get Eleanor out of jail without following Dutch's orders in killing her. 

"Thank you, John," Arthur thanked the man. John nodded at him, providing a small smirk. The two men walked into camp, Arthur scrunching up the news paper as John approached Charles. Arthur continued out to the horses, tossing the paper into the scout camp fire. Arthur mounted, sitting down in his saddle to see Charles and John approaching. "I'll explain later, Charles," Arthur informed the man. Charles looked confused on what was going on but didn't question anything. Arthur waited for the two other men to mount their horses before the three of them rode out of Clemen's Point. 

A/N: Chapter 15 now has a gif for the chapter! 

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