𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗.

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The morning light flooded the abandoned farm house, Eleanor found herself wide awake and staring up at the roof over their heads. Today was the day where Micah would hopefully meet his demise. Either Micah would or they would. Today will go two ways but which way it would go was unknown. Thinking about it made Eleanor sick with nerves. 

She had been awake for hours, thinking about today. What would happen after this? Would things return back to how they were? Would she be dead? Would Arthur be dead? Would they both be dead? All she knew was that no matter what happened, Micah was going down with them. He was a traitor to the gang and had plans to betray Dutch completely, it was just a matter of making Dutch see that. Hopefully David would be enough convincing. 

Eleanor looked beside her to see the bare back of Arthur Morgan. Sharing a bed with someone she loved made her feel safe and secure, almost like she didn't have to fear anything. To think only months ago Eleanor felt alone and angry and now she felt safe and loved. It had been a long time since she felt like that, so long she almost forgot what it felt like.

Eleanor knew finding love would be difficult for her, especially with her name. She always imagined no one would love her deeply because of who she was. She was the monster in the eyes of many, the devil even. Falling in love with an outlaw was how she expected it to go for her, but she never thought the man would be so loving to her and do anything to protect her. She saw herself finding someone to feel accompanied and not lonely. But with Arthur it wasn't like that at all. She got real lucky with him. 

Arthur rolled onto his back, stirring from his sleep. Eleanor wiggled over, resting her head on his shoulder as she nuzzled into his neck.

"Good morning," she mumbled to him before kissing his cheek. Arthur grinned, wrapping an arm around her and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Mornin'," Arthur responded, his voice raspy from waking up. Eleanor smiled before sitting up and climbing over him. Arthur watched her as she got out of the bed.

"I'll put some coffee on," she announced. Eleanor gathered her clothes from the floor before beginning to get dressed. With her back to Arthur, she could feel him staring at her bare back as she pulled on her undergarments. "Did anyone ever tell you that it's rude to stare?" Eleanor scoffed as she pulled on her pants. She looked over her shoulder to see Arthur staring with a smile. 

"Sorry," he apologised. "I can't help it you're beautiful," Arthur complimented. Eleanor felt her cheeks flush before turning her attention away from him and continuing to pull her clothes on. Once she was fully clothed, Eleanor began to prepare coffee while Arthur got dressed himself. 

After a while the two were sat at the table with steel cups of coffee they were happily enjoying together. Eleanor was enjoying his company until he cleared his throat. Grabbing her attention she looked over at him. 

"I forgot to ask you yesterday," Arthur licked his lips as he placed down the coffee onto the table. "Did you want to have a word with David? It doesn't have to be a word just don't kill him. I understand if you don't-"

"I do," Eleanor nodded, stopping him. David needed to know who he had messed with and that she could handle shit herself too. What Arthur did for her she would never be able to repay him but David would have the idea in her head that she got men to handle her shit. That wasn't in her blood. She messed Micah up pretty good, she could mess him up too. 

"Okay," Arthur muttered with a nod. "We will go once we're done," Arthur explained. Eleanor slurped up the rest of her coffee, leaving the cup bone dry before jumping up from her chair. Arthur stared at her as she hurried over to get her gunbelt. "Eleanor," Arthur called her. Eleanor sighed as she ripped the leather of her gunbelt roughly into the belt buckle. "Eleanor." Arthur repeated but louder. Eleanor turned around, looking at him to see him sitting at the table with his coffee in his hand as he looked at her. "It's all going to be okay. Everything will work out. Trust me," He assured. Eleanor didn't know how he could guarantee any of that but she nodded. Eleanor waited outside while Arthur finished getting ready. She was securing her belongings when Arthur came outside. Eleanor quickly mounted, Arthur unhitching his horse before following her lead.

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