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I missed her.

I missed her so fucking much.

I swear I could feel every cell in my body aching.

It was just another night.

Once again I was lying in the grass looking at the stars.

As so many nights before.

We always used to look at the stars at night.

Me and her.

She used to hold me in her arms.

Singing me to sleep.

But that was then.

And this is now.

I felt a single tear down my cheek and quickly wiped it away.

Just 257 days until I get to see her again.

Before she passed she made me promise that I would graduate High School.

That's a promise I'm going to keep.

I want to make her proud.


Just the word makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I didn't get enough time with her.

She was barely sick for 8 months before the cancer took her away.

Away from me.

I could say that the 8 months she was sick were the worst months of my life.

Where I woke up everyday thinking that this could be her last.

But the time that came after her death was so much worse.

Now I'm just counting down the days until I get to see her again.

257 days until I'm with her again.

257 days until I'm home.


I awoke from my thoughts.

A long guy with dark brown curly hair clumsily made his way to lay down beside me.

I turned my face against him.

Just observing him as he laid there beside me staring at the stars.


He didn't respond.

We just laid there in silence.

But that was okay.

I liked having him there.

I liked his presence.

"I'm Harry"

"I'm Louis"

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now