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It was February 1st, Harry Edward Styles 18th birthday.

I had woken up early to go and cake I'd ordered from a bakery nearby. The thought to bake my own cake had crossed my mind but since Harry had banned me from using the kitchen without him supervising me, I figured that it would be best to buy a cake. The cake had the cutest pic of Harry on it, I had actually managed to stop by the Styles house to get it without Harry knowing. I was pretty proud of that accomplishment actually since we barley never were apart for more than 15 minutes. I believe that Harry had slept at his house for no more than five nights ever since we got together.

I had finished putting all of the 18 candles in the cake so I lit them and walked into the bedroom. Harry was still sleeping, I smiled to myself, he looked like an angel in the light from the candles. With my still kind of raspy morning voice I started singing Happy Birthday. Slowly Harry started waking up.

"Happy birthday baby" I said, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Oh Lou you didn't have to" Harry said.

"Of course I had to, now blow out the candles and make a wish" I said.

Harry looked at me and smiled before blowing out the candles.

"What did you wish for?" I asked curiously.

"I can't tell you then it won't come true" He said.

"But-" I tried to protest but Harry interrupted me:

"Now before I decide if  I should eat this cake or not I need to know if you were the one who made it" That was when I threw a pillow in his face.

"We're going to your house to eat birthday lunch and then I've got you all to myself for tonight" I said to Harry while he was getting ready.

"I like the sound of that" Harry said with a smirk across his face.

"Oh Harold, don't be dirty I've actually planned something nice for once"

"But after that then?" He asked hopefully.

"Just shut up and get ready" I said laughing.

"My boys are home!" Anne cried out when we arrived at the Styles house, she wrapped her arms around us.

"Okay mom that's enough" Harry said laughing.

"But I never get to see you" Anne protested.

"I promise we will start to come here more" I said to Anne. I really liked Harry's family and coming to their house, I just felt so comfortable around them.

Anne had made tacos for lunch, Harry's favourite. We ate, chatted and laughed. The food was as amazing as always. Anne's tacos were almost better than Harry's but that's something I never could say out loud because then Harry would kill me. He is very passionate about his tacos.

After eating some more cake, drinking tea from our cups and Harry opening gifs it was time for us to leave.

"Promise you will come visit again soon?" Anne said when we were standing at the door.

"Promise" I said smiling. We all hugged one last time before we headed out.

"And now what?" Harry asked when we got into the car.

"The flat, we need to change before we head out" I said.

"Okay, so what's the dress code?" Harry asked as we got inside.

"Put on everything warm" I said. Harry raised his eyebrow.

"What are we doing?" He asked curiously. I pulled out mine and his ice skates that I had hid in a cabinet.

"We're going ice skating" I said happily.

"Where did you get my ice skates from?"

"I got them from your mom when I was there earlier this week to get the picture for your cake"

"You sneaky little" Harry said laughing.

After putting on like five layers of shirts, pants, hats, mittens and everything else we could find we headed out. I was taking Harry to this lake just next to the park. We walked together, hand in hand.

The lake was frozen, the ground and the trees surrounding were covered in a thin layer of snow. The snow shimmered in the light from the stars in the sky. I first tied on my ice skates then Harry's. I took his hand and dragged him out to the middle of the lake. The moonlight shined down on us like a spotlight on a stage. Harry did a little twirl, he looked like an ice princess. A beautiful ice princess.

"I've got a gift for you" I said as I reached for the little box in my pocket.

Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at me. I handed him the box and he slowly started to unwrap it.

"Lou it's a paper plane, it matches your tattoo" He said looking me in the eyes.

I just nodded, it was a paper plane necklace that matched my paper plane tattoo.

"Do you like it?" I asked. I had been afraid that he might think it's too cheesy.

"No, I love it, it's beautiful" Harry said with tears in his eyes. I felt mine starting to tear up as well. God I loved this boy so much.

"Here let me put on" I said and Harry handed me the box. I put it on, it looked amazing on him. Harry grabbed the paper plane in his hand and then pulled me in and kissed me.

"I love you"

In that moment everything was perfect.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now