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I never really thought about or questioned my sexuality.

I mean if I like someone then I like them.

If that is a girl, boy or whatever it didn't really matter to me.

I never felt the need to label myself or my feelings.

Love is love after all.

I hadn't had a crush or liked someone since before mom got ill.

Things like that didn't seem important afterwards.

I honestly didn't think I was able to feel like that anymore.

But then I met someone special.

I met Harry.

I know I should keep him at a distance.

He didn't know what it meant to be a part of my life.

He didn't know what he was up for.

It wasn't fair.

I had 238 days left.

I should make the most of them right? I tried to convince myself.

But it just wasn't fair to Harry.

I heard a knock at the door and three seconds later Zayn and Liam stumbled in.

We had agreed on having dinner and hanging out for the night.

It had been a long time since we just hung out.

I hadn't really had the strength or will.

But tonight I was looking forward to it.

Even though I didn't show it as much I loved these lads to death.

"How's Harry?" Zayn teasley asked.

"How would I know?" I answered quickly. Too quickly.

"We know all about your little late night secret rendezvous" Liam said smiling.


"Niall told us"

"Of course he did" I said laughing.

Harry had talked about me with Niall, that must be a good sign right? I thought.

"Well Harry is just fine, thanks for your concern" I said.

"And how are you?" Zayn asked looking me in the eye.

"I'm fine" I said and for once it wasn't lying.

"I think I'm happy"

"We're so proud of you" Liam and Zayn said as they hugged me tight.

It was true.

I was happy.

But I knew that I was going to be happier with her.

We ate our food, laughed and played some video games.

It was a great night.

I really enjoyed their company.

"Say hi to Harry from me" Zayn said when he and Liam were leaving.

"I will" I said smiling as I closed the door behind them.

I checked my phone.

10.45 pm.

I still had another 15 minutes until I was meeting Harry at the park.

I switched my grey sweatpants to my usual black skinny jeans and I fixed my hair in the mirror even though it was kinda pointless since it was dark outside anyways.

10.53 pm.

I shot one last glance at the mirror and then I stepped outside.

When I got to the park Harry sat in the grass, waiting.

"Hi Harry"

"Hi Lou"

I smiled as I sat down next to him.

"Zayn says hi" I said.

"Zayn?" Harry asked with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, apparently Niall told him and Liam all about this" I responded.

Harry slapped his hand against his forehead.

"Niall's got a big mouth"

I just laughed at him.

Suddenly a shooting star appeared in the sky.

"Lou! Did you see that?" Harry asked excitedly.

"We got to make a wish now!"

I just hummed in response.

I believe you can guess what I wished for.

A single tear came running down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"Hey, are you okay?" Harry asked with a concerned voice.

When I didn't respond I felt Harry's arms wrapping around me.

After that he just held me and sang quietly.

He made everything feel okay.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now