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The days went on.

Now almost two weeks had passed since I first met Harry.

Every night we met at the park and talked for an hour while we stared at the stars.

We really got to know each other.

We never talked about my mom though.

Harry had tried to ask about my family a couple of times but I always turned down the question quickly.

I didn't want him to know.

Because when I was with him the feeling of complete emptiness kind of went away.

For a while at least.

It was Tuesday evening.

I sat alone surrendered by darkness in my flat.

A picture frame layed in my lap.

A picture of mom.

I brushed my thumb against her cheek.

I felt my heart ache.

243 days I thought to myself.

Suddenly my phone screen lit up the darkness surrounding me.

Harry 6:38 pm

Hi! There's a football game at school tonight, me and Niall are going if you wanted to tag along? :)

Louis 6:40 pm

Zayn's playing so me and Liam are going to support him but I'll see you there?

Harry 6:41 pm

Perfect! Maybe we all could go and grab something to eat together afterwards?

Louis 6:43 pm

Yeah sure, I'll talk to the lads

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black hoodie per usual and went outside.

Zayn and Liam were already waiting for me in the car.

"Hey guys, could we maybe go and grab something to eat with Harry and Niall after the game" I asked kind of quietly.

"Harry from the store?" Liam asked with a teasing smile on his face.

"Yeah and his friend Niall" I responded.

Liam and Zayn looked at each other smiling.

"Well, of course" Zayn said looking at me.

I saw how happy he was since I almost never wanted to do anything anymore.

I just put my head against the car window and smiled.

The teams were tied and there were 10 minutes left when Zayn got the ball.

I held my breath.

He shot and he scored.

Me, Harry, Liam and Niall all screamed like maniacs.

It had gotten quite late and cold now.

I was shivering in my hoodie.

Harry noticed.

"Here take me coat" He said handing me the coat.

"No, I'm fine you need it yourself" I protested.

Harry just shook his head and helped me put my arms in the coat.

It was quite oversized on me since Harry is a lot bigger.

But I liked it.

It smelled great.

"Thank you," I said.

Harry just smiled at me and reached for my hand which I gladly accepted.

Zayn's team won the game.

Me and Liam hugged him tightly when he got off the field.

I was really proud.

"What are we eating lads?" Zayn asked when we caught up with Harry and Niall.

"Pizza maybe?" Niall proposed.

We all agreed on that.

There was this great pizza place just a couple of blocks away from school.

"Do you wanna ride with me?" Harry asked me and jingled with his car keys.

"I would love to," I said smiling.

I still had his hand in mine.

It felt pretty great actually.

"I'm riding with Harry," I said to Zayn.

Liam and Niall had already bonded over some video game so they were busy with their conversation.

Zayn just smiled at me widely.

"We'll see you there then"

"Do you have any song requests?" Harry asked as we got in the car.

"I don't know, All of the stars by Ed Sheeran maybe," I responded.

"That's a kinda sad one"

"Yeah, but it's good"

We sang along and I really tried not to think about mom.

"You have a beautiful voice" Harry looked at me.

"Oh no, I'm average at most" I said, blushing over his compliment.

"You on the hand"

"I'm no better," Harry said.

"I was in a band called White Eskimo though before I moved here"

"Oh, I was in a band too," I said.

"What was it called?" Harry asked curiously.

"The Rouge"

We met up the other lads in the parking lot outside the pizza place.

I ordered a cheese pizza with thick crust.

We sat down at a window table in the back of the restaurant.

We all got along great.

I mostly sat back and observed the others in their conversations.

But that was completely fine by me.

Every once in a while me and Harry's eyes met.

I smiled to myself.

I looked at my friends around the table laughing, making jokes and I felt something I haven't felt in a long time.


The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now