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"Lou, love we're going to be late for school if you don't get up now" Harry said. I just groaned and dragged the sheets over my head. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and was about to fall asleep once again when I felt something wet and cold being poured over me.

"You little curly haired fucker!" I yelled and flew out of bed. Harry that little monster just laughed and ran out of the room.

"Don't you ever dare to do that again!" I yelled at him.

"Well, it worked didn't it?" Harry yelled back from the kitchen.

"Fuck off"

Thanks to Harry's little stunt with the water we actually arrived at school only five minutes late for a change. Since Harry basically lived with me we got caught up in morning cuddling sessions that made us miss first period far too often. I didn't complain though, I loved to wake up to Harry every morning. I loved him so much.

"Babe I gotta run, I have math now" I said, placing a kiss on Harry's lips.

"Oh okay, see you at lunch" Harry said. I started to run down the empty hallway to my classroom, when I turned around Harry was still standing at our lockers watching me. I waved at him, he smiled at me before waving back. Butterflies.

"Mr. Tomlinson you're late once again" Mrs. Smith said as I walked through the door.

"I'm truly sorry Mrs. Smith" I said in response.

"Just take a seat, we were just talking about the algebra test" Mrs. Smith said.

"The algebra test?" I asked in confusion.

"You have a test in algebra tomorrow remember?" She said with a smirk on her face. I had never liked Mrs. Smith and she had never liked me either. She once told me that I never would accomplish anything, I guess she was right about that one but still.

"Yes, yes of course" I lied. I didn't remember that we had a test tomorrow and now I'm screwed.

"Niall, I need you to help me cheat" I said when we sat in the cafeteria.  

Niall looked at me in confusion and then at Harry.

"You know he's sitting here right? Niall said with his eyebrows raised.

I looked at him in confusion but then I understood what he meant and burst out in laughter.

"Oh no Niall I want help to cheat on an algebra test not on Harry" I said.

"Oh I've got your back either way" Niall said and gave me a wink.

"Hey! You two chill" Harry cried out. He was frowning, I smiled. He was cute when he got jealous.

"Don't worry darling, I only have eyes for you" I said and put my hand on his thigh.

Harry smiled happily while Niall rolled his eyes.

"Ugh love"

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now