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It was Saturday.

Today was the day I was meeting Harry's family.

I hadn't slept for even a minute last night, I had just been tossing and turning all night. It was not like I thought that Harry's family wouldn't be good people they're probably just as wonderful as Harry, it's just that family is a touchy subject for me.

Did Harry expect that I was going to introduce him to my parents now?

Not like that would be possible since I don't have any but Harry doesn't know that.

Fuck, Harry doesn't know.

I know that I should tell him but I just can't.

I don't want his pity, I don't want him to tell me that everything's going to be alright because it's not true. Not until I'm with her again will everything be alright.

What if his family asks about mine?

What do I say?

I don't want to be rude..

"Good Morning" Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I was sitting on the window bench, chain smoking as I had been for the past three hours. Harry walked up to me, took the cigarette from my lips and put it out.

"Smoking is bad for you" He said.

"I know but it helps with the anxiety"

"Are you nervous about meeting my family?"

"How couldn't I be?

"You have no reason to, they'll love you I promise" Harry smiled at me.

"I'mma take a shower" I said.

"Can I wear this?" I turned away from the mirror towards Harry.

"Babe, you look amazing now please calm down it's my family we're meeting not the queen " Harry said.

I sighed, I had tried on like 20 outfits trying to find something to wear.

Now I guess I had settled for a burgundy knitted sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans. I was nervous that I felt sick.

"We need to leave now Lou" Harry said from the hallway.

I shot one last glance in the mirror, tried to convince myself that it was going to go well and then went out to Harry.

In the car I actually felt like I was going to throw up but Harry put on some music, trying his best to calm me down.

"Harry, I don't know if I can do this" I said as we pulled up outside of his house.

"Lou, I know you can but if it gets too overwhelming just tell me and we'll leave okay?" Harry said looking at me.

I nodded.


Harry opened up the door to his house and were rightaway greeted by his mother and his sister Gemma.

"This is Louis, my boyfriend" Harry stated when we walked inside.

"Oh, you're the reason why I never get to see my son anymore" Harry's mom said.

"I'm sorry about that Mrs.Styles" I said unsure of if she was mad about it or not.

"No just say Anne please" She said smiling at me as she pulled me in for a hug.

I began to ease up a little, maybe this was going to go better than I thought.

"Show me your room" I said to Harry after we had finished some small talk with his mom and sister. Harry smiled at me, took my hand in his and began walking up the stairs. I followed him.

The walls in his room were covered from floor to ceiling with posters of pop and rock stars. He had a big vinyl collection and a record player placed on this window bench.

"Sorry it's kinda messy but in my defence you never let me go home to clean up" Harry said. I laughed at him.

"If you think this is messy, do you remember how my flat looked when you first came to visit" I responded.

"Lou, your flat would always look like that if I wasn't there to clean up the mess"

"That may be so, how lucky am I to have my own little cleaning lady then" I said teasingly. Harry grabbed a pillow and hit me in the face. And that's how the pillow fight started.

Dinner actually went great.

The Styles were wonderful people, I mean of course they were. I don't know why I was so worried earlier.

They never asked anything about my family, Harry probably told them not to since he had come to realize that it was a sensitive subject for me and I really appreciated that. I found myself staring at Harry while he talked to Anne about something and I thought about just how lucky as I was to be able to call him mine.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now