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I was looking at Harry sleeping peacefully next to me.

Harry or should I maybe say my boyfriend instead.

I was looking at my boyfriend sleeping peacefully next to me.

The past two weeks had been like walking on clouds, I couldn't get over the fact that Harry was my boyfriend.

Harry was mine.

I barely let him go home to grab new clothes since I couldn't stand the feeling of being away from him.

I was getting too attached.

I knew it but I couldn't help it, he made me feel so good.

Harry always made me breakfast so for once I decided that I was going to surprise him with breakfast in bed.

The thought was good but let's just that I failed. Big time.

"Louis, what the fuck are you doing?" Harry yelled at me when he came running into the kitchen.

"Breakfast" I simply responded not getting what the fuss was about.

I looked down and I realized that the pancakes I was making now were on fire, I quickly threw the pan in the sink and turned the water on, putting the fire out.

"My gosh, from now on you're banned from this kitchen" Harry said.

"You can't do that, it's my kitchen" I argued.

"Not only this kitchen, any kitchen, ever" Harry continued.

Our eyes met and we bursted out in laughter.

"Seriously Lou, you're a danger to yourself and everyone else in your surroundings. How could you even mess up this bad?"

"I guess I was distracted"

"How come?"

"I was thinking about my gorgeous, sexy boyfriend to whom I was making breakfast" I said with a smirk on my face.

Harry raised his eyebrows looking at me.

We skipped breakfast and made out instead.

"Lou?" Harry said as we were lying on the couch with our legs twisted together.

His fingers were running through my hair.

"Yeah?" I mumbled in response.

"I want you to meet my family.." He said after a while.

My stomach turned.

I guess Harry noticed that my body stiffened because soon he spoke again:

"You don't have to. No pressure. It's just that they are really important to me and you are really important to me as well so I would just like to introduce you to each other"

"When were you thinking?" I asked thoughtfully.

"This weekend maybe? Or next? I mean whenever you feel comfortable" Harry rambled, I could tell that this was very important to him.

"Okay" I finally said after some minutes of silence.

Harry lit up in a big smile.

"Thank you" He said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

He started to play with my hair once again.

I just stared at the ceiling, feeling sick.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now