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I woke up only to realize that I wasn't alone in bed.

Harry was holding me in his arms, still sleeping.

After crying for multiple hours last night we had passed out in bed together.

I turned around to face him.

I took one of his curls and twirled it round my finger.

He is so beautiful.

I've come to realize that I need him and even though it is selfish I just can't stay away from him.

I have 219 days together with him.

I'm not going to waste another one.

"Lou, are you watching me while I'm sleeping?" Harry suddenly asked with his raspy morning voice.

"Ehm no, I would never" I said, shutting my eyes quickly but not quickly enough since Harry opened his eyes catching me watching him.

He started to grin.

"I knew it" He said proudly.

"Oh c'mon Harry, we need to get to school" I said as I was about to get out of bed but Harry pulled me down into his arms instead.

"Please Louis never do something like that again" Harry said referring to yesterday.

"I'm so sorry that I hurt you" I said regretfully.

"Lou no, I'm talking about you hurting yourself"

"Please don't ever do that again" He said, grabbing my face, looking me in the eyes.

I just nodded and he pulled me even closer.

We arrived at school late, missing half of the first period but I couldn't care less.

At lunch we finally ate all five of us together again and I gotta admit that I've missed it. We talked, laughed and made fun of Niall's terrible attempts at cheating on tests.

The lads didn't ask any questions about me and Harry, I guess that they just were happy that we were happy again.

After the last period Harry was waiting at our lockers per usual.

"Hey, how was your day beautiful?" He asked as he hugged me.

"Just fine" I replied, blushing over the word beautiful.

We walked out of school to Harry's car.

Hand in hand.

Today's carpool karaoke was ABBA edition.

A bit of a guilty pleasure of mine actually.

"Lay all your love on me" was blasting through the speakers as we pulled up to my flat.

"Are you coming with me upstairs?" I asked.

"No Lou, even though we have skipped past like three stages and already slept together we're going to start over doing this the right way" Harry said.

"And how's that?" I asked confused.

"I'm asking you out on a date tonight" He answered.

"A date?"

"Yes, same spot, same time as always" He said smiling.

Then he drove of.

I sighed.

It was like the fifth time I had checked my phone in the last ten minutes.

Still it was hours until I was supposed to meet Harry.

I had eaten dinner, done some homework and cleaned the flat but the time passed by so incredibly slow.

When I checked my phone for the sixth time I realized a new text message.

From Harry.

Harry 7:45 pm

I'm looking forward to seeing you love - H

I smiled widely.

How was it even possible for him to make me so happy?

After smiling like an idiot at my phone for like ten minutes I decided to take a shower hoping that it would make time pass by faster.

Finally it was time for me to meet up Harry for our date.

Just the word date gave me butterflies.

I was just wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans, as always.

I mean why change a winning concept?

When I got to the park Harry was waiting at our spot.

A blanket was laid on the ground and he had brought chocolate covered strawberries, music was playing in the background.

I smiled over how cheesy this was.

He hugged me and I realized how much I had missed his touch.

Harry pulled out a bottle of champagne as we sat down.

"Champagne?!" I fake-gasped.

"But, you're not of legal age"

"I know, I stole it" He confessed.

"Ooh, Harry the bad boy" I said, teasing.

"Stop, I actually feel kinda bad about it" He said.

"I know you do baby" I smiled at him.

"All of the stars" by Ed Sheeran started playing and I felt Harry's arm around me.

We just listened to the song in silence while looking at the stars in the sky.

As the song came to an end I realized that Harry was looking at me.

We stared into each other's eyes for a long time.

"Kiss me you fool" I said.

Harry's lips crashed into mine.

They tasted better than ever.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

"Now when we're done with this date thing can we sleep together again?" I asked as we were packing up the stuff.

"Yes we can" Harry said laughing at me.


A/N: I mean just sleeping by sleeping together not sex

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now