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I wasn't alone.

I had my friends Zayn and Liam but I still felt lonely.

Ever since mom died I had just felt so empty.

I can't even explain the feeling but it feels like something is missing like I had a hole in my heart.

I don't believe I ever will be able to fill that hole and feel that kind of love ever again.

That part of me died together with mom.

Today was the first day of my senior year.

Just 256 days left I mumbled to myself as I left my flat for school.

Harry had been on my mind all morning.

We hadn't really talked that much last night but there was something special about that boy that made it impossible for me to keep him off my mind.

He had recently moved to Doncaster and was a year younger than me but that was basically all I knew about him.

In school everything was as usual.

I had my classes, ate lunch together with Liam and Zayn and spent some time studying in the library.

Before mom passed I was really social and outgoing, always with a smile on my face. I had tons of friends, wore colourful clothes and I guess you could say I was sort of the class clown always making people laugh.

But then everything changed.

I got quiet.

I stopped hanging out with people.

I didn't smile as much anymore.

And all I ever wore was black.

My friends were all there for me after mom's death but when a couple of months passed by and they realised that the old Louis wasn't coming back they kind of drifted away.

Not that I really cared though.

Now all I had was Liam and Zayn.

We had been best friends ever since we were kids.

I know that they would never leave me even though I wasn't the same anymore.

I kinda wish they would though.

I don't want them around in 256 days when it's my time to go.

I don't want to hurt them after all they have done for me.

After school Zayn and Liam drove me home.

"Are you sure you don't want to tag along to my place?" Zayn asked as I was about to step out of the car.

"Yeah, I just kinda want to eat dinner and go to sleep early," I said.

Zayn and Liam looked at each other and then at me, I saw that they were worried.

"Okay if you say so, see you at school tomorrow?" Zayn said, thoughtful.

I just nodded and they drove off.

I never told anyone about my nightly routine of going to the park, laying down in the grass and just staring at the stars.

Not even Liam or Zayn.

It just felt too personal.

It was mine and her thing.

At 11 pm I put my black hoodie on, tied my shoes and left my flat.

The walk to the park only took about five minutes.

When I got there I realized something

There was already someone lying in the grass, in my spot


The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now