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I had come to realize just how much I hated to be alone.

As soon as I was left on my own the thoughts just overwhelmed me, eating me up.

I couldn't bare it.

So I had forced Harry to sleep at my flat with me all week for what I called "a never-ending sleepover".

Harry never complained though.

Thanks to him I also finally fed my body something else than malnourished microwave food.

"I have to go now Lou" Harry said standing in the hallway.

"No stay for ten more minutes" I begged.

"That was exactly what you said 30 minutes ago" Harry said laughing at me.


"Lou, it's not like I'm leaving you forever, I'm taking you out tonight remember?"

"But it's hours until then" I said stubbornly.

"It will be worth it, I promise" Harry said smiling.

He placed a kiss on my lips and temple and then he was out of the door.

I sighed.

Guess it was shower time.

I knew that what I was doing to Harry was really selfish but I just couldn't help it.

With him I actually thought that I could manage the remaining 212 days.

He made the darkness a little less dark...

I was using him and it was wrong but it was only with him that the feeling of emptiness I had wasn't as strong.

I needed him.

Harry hadn't spoiled anything about where he was taking me, only that it was semi-fancy so my usual outfit of a black hoodie and black skinny jeans wouldn't make the cut.

In the back of my closet I found a white shirt and a pair of navy chinos.

I put the clothes on and looked myself in the mirror, I felt a little bit insecure but I hoped that Harry would like it.

I tried fixing my hair but it didn't work out the way I wanted it to. It felt hopeless I mean it's not like I have Harry's curls or something.

A sudden knock at my door interrupted me.

I opened the door and there Harry stood.

God damn was he hot.

I totally spaced out and hadn't realized that Harry was talking to me.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I shuttered.

"I said that you're looking gorgeous" Harry said with a big smirk on his face.

I felt my cheeks heating.

"Oh, well I'm nothing compared to you" I replied.

Harry just pulled me in for a kiss.

One kiss turned into a full makeout session.

I could never get tired of his lips.

When we finally pulled away for air we just looked at eachother and giggled like two little girls.

"Well we should probably get going" Harry said and grabbed my hand.

I just nodded in response.

"Forever young" by Alphaville was playing on the radio and me and Harry were screaming the lyrics to the point where our voices almost cracked. I looked over at Harry driving, he was just so beautiful. At that moment I just felt so happy.

After about 15 minutes we pulled up at a parking lot.

The restaurant was located next to a lake and it was just so beautiful.

"Reservation for Styles" Harry said to the girl greeting us.

She nodded and we followed her to our table which was located in the back at the restaurant at the window with a view over the lake.

"Harry, this is perfect" I said as we sat down.

He had of course pulled out my chair for me as the gentleman he is.

"Glad you like it" He replied, looking at me kind of shyly.

"I do, I love it!" I said smiling at him.

He gave me a beautiful smile back.

I ordered some kind of chicken pasta and Harry did the same.

The food arrived and we started eating, it was delicious.

I mean I was used to eating frozen food heated in the microwave so this was just amazing.

Harry's food was my favourite though.

"Harry, can I ask you something" I said when we were halfway done eating.

"Yes, of course" He said looking at me.

"How come you went up to me that night we first met?" I asked.

I had actually put a lot of thought to it and had wondered how he found me there.

"Well, I was actually out on walk trying to calm my nerves about starting a new school and it had gotten pretty late so I just thought that I was going to take a shortcut through the park and that's when I saw you lying in the grass, you actually looked dead at first so I just had to check up on you" Harry replied.

"Well, that was quite a story" I said laughing.

"Was it not what you expected?" Harry asked jokingly.

"Not really"

"I'm really happy that you went to check up on me though" I said looking him in the eyes.

Harry leaned in over the table and kissed me.

"Me too"

Harry checked his phone and then raised to his feet quickly.

"We need to leave" He said

I looked at him in confusion but got up as well.

We paid the check and left the restaurant.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as we got in the car.

"Everything is fine" He said and smiled.

I was as confused as ever.

Harry didn't drive me home as I expected instead he drove to the park.

It was 11 pm the same time as always.

"Lou, can I ask you something?" Harry said when we got to our spot.

"Yeah" I responded.

Harry looked at me and I saw that he was nervous which made me nervous as well.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I just looked at him processing what he just said.

"Lou, sorry if I-" Harry started but I cut him off by kissing him, I felt the tension in his body loosen and his lips moving together with mine.

When we parted for air I grabbed his face with my hands and looked him in the eyes.

"Yes, obviously

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now