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"Lou I love you" Harry said, staring at me, smiling.

"I love you to Harry but you have told me that like 27 times in the last ten minutes," I said.

"I love you"


Harry sighed.

"It's Valentine's day Louis you have to be romantic" Harry said stubbornly.

"Yeah I've heard that but I would say that I'm pretty romantic" I responded.

Harry raised his eyebrows in disagreement.

"I mean I offered to make you dinner" I continued.

"Yeah, that was sweet but I actually want to survive Valentine's day" He said, teasing me. That was it, I jumped on him trying to wrestle him to the ground with no luck of course since he was much bigger than me. He ended up throwing me on the bed and I think you can guess what happened next.

"Okay so this no romantic boyfriend of yours is taking you out where do you wanna go?" I asked Harry when we were lying in bed, his head rested on my chest.

"I wanna go watch The Notebook" Harry said.

"The Notebook? Really? Isn't that like the cheesiest and most girly film ever?" I said.

"Yes, really it's not girly it's actually really good. I bet you'll even cry" Harry replied stubbornly.

"Okay fine, we'll go see The Notebook then" I said. I felt Harry's arms tighten around my waist.

"Thank you" He said happily. 

When we got to the movie theater I bought two tickets and some popcorn. I went to sit all the way in the back.

"Why do you want to sit here it's so far away from the screen?" Harry asked.

"It is easier to makeout without getting caught" I said and gave Harry a wink.

Harry looked at me in shock.

"We're not making out in the movie theater especially not while watching The Notebook"

"Okay fine then" I said with my hands in the air, laughing. We sat down in our seats and the movie started to play.

I hate to admit it but I cried like a baby. Harry was acting all cocky saying I told you so and that he won the bet but I didn't even bother I mean that was the saddest fucking shit I've seen. 

"Okay now you've gotten to watch both The Notebook and me crying, are you happy now? I asked as we stepped into the street.

"Very, thank you so much you're the most romantic amazing boyfriend ever" Harry said happily. I just laughed at what a weirdo he was. Then we walked back together.

Hand in hand.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now