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*trigger warning*

"Why can't you just fucking talk to me?" Harry yelled. I'd had one of my more depressed episodes once again where I had gone MIA for like 24 hours not answering any texts or phone calls. Harry had finally had enough and broken into my flat where he had found me dozed off on the bathroom floor with bleeding cuts on my wrists. He was clearly upset about me breaking my promise about not hurting myself and I was mad at him for not understanding. I don't cut myself cause I think that it's fun, I can't controll it, it just doesn't work like that.

"Don't you get it, I don't want to fucking talk about it!" I yelled back.

"I can't leave you alone for even a night without something like this happening, I'm like your babysitter" Harry said irritated. His words hurt, mostly since he was speaking the truth. As soon as I was left on my own I drowned in my own thoughts. There were too many voices in my head messing with my mind, I just needed them to be quiet.

"You're making this a bigger deal than it is, acting like you're the one that's keeping me alive. I mean wake the fuck up, I maneged fine on my own before I met you right? I don't fucking need you" I yelled harsch.

"Louis, you don't mean that" Harry said, looking me in the eyes. At that moment I was just so caught up in my feelings. I was angry so fucking angry at myself and I was taking it all out on Harry which wasn't fair but I just couldn't stop myself.

"Yeah I do" I said. Harry's face dropped.

"Well, then" He said before storming out and slamming the door behind him.

I put my fist through the wall. Why did I always have to fuck everything up? I just can't let him get too close to me even though he means the most to me because everytime I open up it hurts. I'm way too good at goodbyes.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now