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"Can we cancel? I have nothing to wear" I yelled frustrated.

It was New years eve and Niall was throwing a big party.

Harry walked into the room.

"Oh c'mon you have a whole closet full-" He stopped mid sentence when he realized that I was shirtless.

"Why did you stop talking Styles? I asked teasing.

"I..uhm..hot" Harry shuttered. I laughed and threw a pillow at him. A pillow fight broke out that turned into a make out session.

"Lou, what does your tattoo say?" Harry said pointing to the one on my chest.

"All of the stars" I replied.

"As in the song?"

"Yeah" I got the words of mom's favourite song tattooed on my heart.

"It's beautiful" Harry said. I smiled at him.

"I still need an outfit" I sighed.

"Let me solve that" Harry said and jumped out of bed to the closet. He dug all the way to the back of my closet and pulled out a red pair of jeans with suspenders and a white shirt with red stripes.

"This is perfect" Harry said proudly. I looked at the clothes he pulled out.  I hadn't worn something like that since before mom died.

"Oh, I don't know," I said unsure.

"Please, just try it on for me" Harry said, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay fine"

I put on the clothes, they still fit perfectly. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw took a minute to process.  I saw old Louis. The unbroken Louis. The Louis that always smiled. The happy Louis.

"See I told you that it was perfect, you look amazing!" Harry called out happily.

He hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my temple. I couldn't stop staring at the old Louis in the mirror. I missed him.

After some debating and some persuading from Harry I decided to go with the outfit he had picked out. We left the flat and took Harry's car to the party. Harry was in a great mood. He loved New Year's Eve even though he hated fireworks.

When we pulled up to the party there were already a lot of people there, music was blasting through the speakers. We walked inside and quickly found Niall standing on a table. competing with some guy who could drink the most beers in two minutes. He was actually looking like he was winning so we weren't the ones to distract him. I saw Liam and Zayn standing in the crowd on the dance floor and yelled:

"Hey Liam, Zayn!"

They turned around but froze when they saw me.

"Woah, Louis you look like- Zayn started.

"You" Liam filled in.

"Yeah.." I said, I felt quite insecure.

"Doesn't he look great?" Harry said smiling.

"He indeed does" Zayn said, he looked really happy.

They pulled me into a hug and I realized just how much I'd missed this.

The night continued great. I had a few drinks but not too much so I was in that perfect stage where you just felt a little bit dizzy and laughed at absolutely everything and nothing. Niall on the other hand was completely wasted and had thrown up multiple times but after every time he had finished throwing up he continued to drink even more. He's going to wake up tomorrow and feel like he has  been run over by a train.

Right now, Harry was standing on a table singing "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor at the top of this lunges. He reached out his hand for me to grab.

"Dance with me" He said.

I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up on the table. We sang, danced and laughed. Suddenly all the people surrounding us disappeared out. We stood on the table all alone.

"10" We heard the countdown from outside.

"9" I looked at Harry.

"8" Harry looked at me.

"7" We stared into each other's eyes.

"6" Harry smiled.

"5" I smiled back.

"4" The feelings I had for this boy.

"3" I don't know how to describe them.

"2" Other than love.


"I love you"

"Happy New Years!"

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now