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I'm graduating today. After today I'm never going back to school again. I've been counting down the days for so long and now the day is finally here. It felt so surreal like a fever dream. I honestly never pictured myself graduating. I didn't think that I would make it this far but thanks to Harry I'm standing here today.

"I'm so proud of you" Harry said to me when I was standing in the mirror, getting ready.

"I couldn't have done it without you" I said smiling at him. Harry pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him as closely as I could. Before pulling away I kissed him gently.

"I love you"

"I love you too Lou"

"Are you ready to leave?" Harry asked. I took one last deep breath then I followed him out the door. Harry drove me to school. The graduation ceremony took place outside on the school's football field. I sat down at the front next to Liam and Zayn together with the other graduates while Harry went to sit down in the back with the rest of the relatives.  The ceremony started. The principal spoke, the choir sang and Liam held a speech. Then the counselor started to read out the graduates one by one.

"Louis William Tomlinson"

I raised to my feet. As I walked across the stage I saw Harry and Niall standing in the back of the crowd, cheering like maniacs.  I accepted my degree and shook hands with the principal. And just like that it was over. I had graduated.

Harry and his family came up to me when I'd walked off the stage. They all brought me in for a big hug. Anne cried.

"My boy, I can't believe that you've graduated" She said, wiping the tears from her cheeks.  I felt my own tears burn behind my eyes but couldn't help but smile. The Styles were such incredibly kind people, they really had the biggests hearts. 

"You did it baby!" Harry said, giving me the biggest smile.

"Yeah, I did" I said. Now I couldn't keep the tears away anymore, I let them stream down my face. I actually did it

Zayn, Liam and Niall caught up with us.

"I'm proud of you my lads!" Niall shouted out.

"Thanks Nialler" I said smiling towards him.

"So are you ready to celebrate?" Niall asked with a grin on his face.

"You bet" Zayn said.

We got into the cars and drove to the pizza place where we first went the night of the football game. We ordered and sat down at a table in the back. The food quickly arrived and we started to eat.

"I can't believe you guys leave in two weeks already" Harry said to Zayn and Liam. They were moving to London to attend university.

"I know it's sick but I promise that we will come visit you as much as possible" Zayn said.

"Lucky, we get to keep our lad Louis here at least" Niall said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I just gave him a smile in return.

After much laughter and probably a few pizza slices too much it was time to leave for the graduation party. When we got there a lot of people had already showed up and music was blasting through the speakers. We walked inside and were handed solo cups with some kind of liquor in them.  I immediately dragged Harry with me out on the dancefloor. We sang, laughed and danced for hours.

Later on, I found myself dancing some kind of couples dance on the kitchen table together with Liam. I think it might have been tango but however our aptemt was terrible and not very gracious at all. Harry just stood beside on the floor watching us with a huge smile on his face while Niall was snogging Amelia in some corner. Zayn and Gigi had already left.

In the car "If I die young" by The Band Perry started to play on the radio. Harry turned up the volume and we sang along.

"The ballad of a dove"

"Go with peace and love"

"Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket"

"Save 'em for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh"

"The sharp knife of a short life,"

"Well, I've had just enough time"

Harry was laying in my arms in bed with his head rested on my chest.

"Lou?" Harry looked up at me.


Harry was quiet for a while before speaking again.

"I don't know but you seem happier, I really like seeing you like this" He said.

I didn't say anything, I just bent down and kissed him.

"I love you"

I laid beside him and let my fingers run through his curls until he fell asleep. I took the notebook and pen I had in my nightstand and scribbled down the words. I placed the letter on the kitchen counter and then went into the bathroom to get the sleeping pills. I went back into the bedroom. Looked at Harry peacefully sleeping and placed a kiss on his forehead for the last time. I tied my shoes then I left the flat.

Mom, I'm coming home.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now