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The last two weeks had been hectical to say the least. I had been drowning in assignments and essays, everything needed to be done before the winter break. I had told Harry that he could go home and stay with his mom and sister for a while since I was going to be busy studying but he refused. He barely left my side for even ten minutes anymore. It was like he thought that I would break down if he left me alone. I mean it was semi-true but I could manage 15 minutes by myself. He had kept me company all week while I was studying, hearing me and reading through my essays.  When all assignments were done, tests taken and essays handed in winter break finally came. I was more than happy, finally I could give Harry the attention he deserved.

"C'mon Lou we're supposed to be there in 10 minutes, we need to leave" Harry said standing in the hallway. It was Christmas Eve and we were going to his house to celebrate with Anne and Gemma.

"Maybe you should just go by yourself" I said.

"And then where would you go?" Harry asked.

"I would stay here"

"Never gonna happen, you're not spending christmas here all by yourself"

"But you should get to spend some quality time with your family, not babysit me"

"Lou, you're my family too" Harry said looking me in the eyes smiling.

I think I died right there.

The Styles were as wonderful as ever. Their house was decorated from floor to ceiling with everything christmasy. It reminded me of how me and mom used to decorate our home. It was beautiful.

We had roasted turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner and it was just delicious. Anne was an amazing chef and it was clear where Harry had gotten his cooking skills from.

We were sitting on the couch in the living room when Anne suddenly handed me a present. I looked at her confused.

"Open it!" Gemma said excited.

I started to unwrap the gift still in confusion. When I saw what it was I died for the second time today. The Styles had these mugs with their initials on them, one for each family member that always hung on the wall in the kitchen. In my hand I held a mug with a "L" on it.

"Now we hope you'll feel more than welcome to come here anytime you want" Anne said.

"You're family"

That was it, my heart couldn't take any more. I started to sob loudly.

"Thank you" Was the only thing I was able to get out. I looked at Harry and he had tears in his eyes as well. We all hugged. These people were so incredibly kind.

For the first time Harry and I went to sleep in his bed.

"Can you plug this in?" I asked Harry and handed him my phone.

"Lou what is this?" Harry said and I looked at him.

"Is it your birthday today?" He had seen text messages that I'd gotten from Liam and Zayn wishing me a happy birthday.

"Yeah" I admitted.

"How could you not tell me that it was your birthday?" He looked disappointed.

"Honestly, I haven't really thought about it and I'm not that big of a fan of birthdays" I said.

"But I wanted to do something special for you.." Harry said. It killed me how sad he looked.

"Harry, today was more than I ever could have asked for even though you didn' know that it was my birthday" I said.


"Yes really" My birthday had been better than I ever could have imagined. Last year I had spent my birthday all alone in bed, crying and debating whether I should keep my promise to mom or not. I could tell that Harry still felt a bit disappointed that I hadn't told him but he hugged me tightly and placed a kiss on my lips.

Then he sang happy birthday until I fell asleep.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now