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"You lads excited about prom tonight?" Niall asked as he sat down at the table.

"I bet you are" I said with a teasing smile.

"Oh yeah!" Niall cried out with a huge grin on his face. He had landed Amelia as his prom date. He had chased her for months and had developed a major crush on her. I was actually really happy for him since he hadn't had the best luck with girls before. Zayn and Liam were going with their girlfriends Gigi and Maya. I had planned on taking Harry, I had even planned this big prom proposal but Harry the little rat beat me to it. He had recreated our first date and when we sat there stargazing he asked me. I debated if I should no just so I could go through with my plan but I'm only cruel not heartless so I ended up saying yes.  

"Pre-party at my place?" I asked and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll bring the booze!" Niall shouted out excitedly.

"Yeah great but let's not do a repeat of New Years" Harry said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Niall said and quickly gathered his stuff.

"Now if you'll excuse me" He disappeared. We just shook our heads and laughed at him.

Harry was home at his house getting ready so I was taking my time in the shower. For first time was I actually excited about something as stupid as prom. I had even bought Harry one of those flower things that matched with my tie.

I put my suit on, put some gel in my hair and tried to style it. After about ten failed attempts at getting a perfect quiff I finally gave up. I heard a knock at the door and went to open it. In the hallway stood Harry and all I can say is oh my fucking god. Seeing Harry Styles in a suit is a blessing from above. In fact Harry Styles himself is a gift from god.

"Damn you look good" Harry said and bit his lip.

"Stop that you're turning me on!" I protested.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked as he pulled me closer.

"The others will be here any minute" I answered.

"We can lock the door?" Harry proposed. I laughed.

"Treat people with kidness Harry, sorry you will have to wait" I said and kissed him slowly before pulling away.

" You're no fun, Tommo the tease" Harry said pouting with his lip.

"What did you call me?" I asked as I pushed him against the wall while placing my hand just below his belt.

"Fuck" Harry moaned. I kissed him passionately and slid my hand just a little further down. Suddenly, we heard knocking at the door.

"Fuck" Harry said now in panic and ran towards the bathroom. I laughed and then went to open the door.

Everyone had now arrived and we sat on the couch sipping at our drinks.

"Where's Harry?" Niall asked.

"In the bathroom" I answered and tried to hide my smile. I think I failed my attempt since Zayn looked at me with raised eyebrows but he didn't say anything.

Eventually Harry caught up with the rest of us. We chatted, laughed, drank and had overall a really good time. Niall and Amelia seemed to get along great, their personalities matched up so well I actually think that they would make a great couple.

It was time for us to leave for prom and to honor the day we actually had rented a limousine to take us there. The others had already left the flat and went out to the car when I remembered something.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now