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Final season was coming up.

There was only about a month until graduation and I was drowning in homework. I was so jealous at Harry who only got to chill for the next month while I was up all night studying.

"C'mon you've been studying for hours" Harry said.

"But the exams start next week" I protested.

"You deserve a break" Harry said and snatched the textbook out of my hands before I got the chance to stop him.

"And I deserve a boyfriend that pays attention to me" He continued. I laughed.

"Okay, you've got my attention, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I want ice cream" Harry said looking at me like a child looks at it's mom. Sometimes I wonder if my boyfriend really is 18 and not 5.

"Then ice cream it is" I said.

We put our shoes on, it had gotten quite warm outside so I decided to ditch my jacket and just go with the hoodie. I locked up and we stepped outside. I lit a cigarette and put it between my lips.

"I don't like when you smoke" Harry said with a frowning face. 

"I know you don't, I'm sorry" I said.

"Does it help with the anxiety?" He asked.


"Oh, then I understand, I'm sorry I can't help you" The sad look he gave me, killed me.

"You've helped me more than you'll ever know" I said, taking his hand in mine.

He smiled at me.

"Okay so I've got brownie fudge and cookie dough, which one do you want?" I asked.

"Cookie dough" Harry answered and I handed him the cup. It was a beautiful night, the sun was about to set and the stars were getting ready to come out.

"The park?" Harry asked. I just hummed in response.

We got there and sat down at our spot. I looked at Harry's half eaten ice cream.


"Bet" We traded cups.

"You know I love you right?"

Harry looked at me.

"Yeah I guess why?" He asked.

"Please don't ever forget that" I said.

Then I let our lips crash together.

He will never know just how much he means to me.

He's my antidote.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now