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"Stop making out and come help prepare dinner!" Niall yelled across the room at me and Harry.

"You're just jealous Niall cause all you got is your teddy bear" Harry yelled back.

"Do not disrespect Mr. Fluffy Muffins okay!" Niall yelled.

We laughed at him but did as we were told. Niall was hosting boy's night at his house since it had been too long since we hung out all together outside of school. I grabbed a quite large kitchen knife and was about to start cutting the tomatoes when Harry snatched the knife out of my hand.

"Remember princess you're banned from the kitchen so go set the table" He said.

"Seriously? I only messed up one time!" I tried to protest.

"Yeah but that was almost the death of us so go now" He said. I understood that the argument was lost and did as I was told.

From the kitchen I could hear Niall and Harry singing "(I've had) The time of my life" from Dirty Dancing very loudly. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and ran to the kitchen. There I found Niall laying on the floor with broken plates surrounding him, Harry just stood in the middle of the kitchen like a fool. Neither of them could stop laughing.  Zayn and Liam had also heard the noise and came running as well.

"What are you guys doing? Zayn yelled.

"We wanted to try the famous lift from the movie?" Niall said, still laughing.

"But why would you do that while carrying plates?"  Liam asked.

"Niall said it would look cool" Harry confessed. I laughed of course Niall said so.

"And I'm the one who's banned from the kitchen?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Schs, let's not talk about it no more" Harry said. I just shook my head and laughed.

After Niall and Harry had cleaned up their mess in the kitchen we all sat down to eat. If we look away from the fact that they destroyed the kitchen they had done a really good job with the food.

"You guys graduate in not even two months how crazy is that" Niall said looking at me, Zayn and Liam.

"It's unbelievable but I'm so excited to study law at university" Liam said.   

"And I'm going to play college football, that's insane" Zayn said excitedly.

"And what about you Louis?" Niall asked, looking at me.

"Oh, I don't know actually, I don't really have any plans" I confessed.

"That's okay you have plenty of time to figure that out" Niall said, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah right" I said, giving him a halfhearted smile back.

I looked at my friends at the table, caught up in their conversation. They all had bright futures ahead of them. Zayn was an amazing football player, the best in his team. Liam was really good in school, had good grades and would become a successful lawyer. Niall is just this happy-go-lucky irish guy that got along with everyone he met and he is fearless. Harry, I just know that Harry is born to accomplish something great. As long as he stays true to himself nothing can stop him. And then there's me.

The Fault in Our Stars - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now