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"So if 1+1 is equal to 10.. 1+1+1 is equal to 11...understand?" Mr. Bae turned to his heels, smiling, just to see all the students looking at him with droopy eyes and a slightly parted mouth.

He cleared his throat, his eyes wandering to the bunch of 30 faces.


Naih was quick to slurp down her trickling saliva as she flinched at the sound of her name.

She looked at the teacher with a raised brow, which he just returned with a smile.

"Why do you think adding binary digits is the complete opposite of how the mathematical equation works if it still works like math?"

"Wow, good luck, top one." her best friend, Yangyang whispered with a teasing tone.

"Because the first programmers are fond of messing with our brains, and they think they could sound smart if they also reversed the binary process and excluded how the proper mathematical process works."


"Of course it's a joke, Mr. Bae. They designed it because computers can only understand 0's and 1's, so it will not function if they use the same process as typical math does, because the outputs in there can go beyond millions and the computers can't take that. Talk about computers being smartass, but they are dumb."

The whole class burst into laughter, and some praised the girl's bravery.

"And of course the last sentence is a joke. Thank you."

The teacher can just sigh and shake his head, continuing to write 0's and 1's on the whole white board.

Soon after, the bell rang, signaling the end of first period, and the students began to hype up like they were not sleeping awhile ago.

"Research about how to convert binary digits to decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. I'm going to give a warm-up quiz for that."


"Don't awww me; good bye, class!"


Naih can just roll her eyes and begin throwing her stuff in her bag.

"Hey, Naih!" she looked aside, seeing a senior of one year smiling.

"What, Renjun?"

"You've been topping the class since the first semester, amidst your bad school records."

She lightly chuckled and stood up, facing him. "Is it a compliment? Aww, little Junnie is so nice."

"I know, right? Too nice, that could strangle you all the way to the hospital." he whispered in her ear.

"Hey, Renjun"

"Yeah?" and the said boy is now on his knees, clutching his clothed, throbbing member.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE SPIN-OFF: TRY AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now