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A series of doorbells rang across his bedroom. Hyuck internally groaned and groggily sat up, eyes squinting in the darkness of his room.

The neon digital clock hanging across the wall, reading 1 AM, his eyes fully opened.

"Who the fuck?" he cursed under his breaths and stood up, kicking his blanket in the process.

He sleepily strode down the stairs, taking heavy steps to the front door as he opened it, only to see a certain younger person who looked immensely bored.

"The fuck, Jisung?"

"Ugh, I know. Just let me sleep here."

Confused, he still let the younger enter.

The dark bags under his eyes seemed more visible, and judging by how he just showed up with a pair of black dotted pajamas, this boy really did sneak out.

"Do your parents"

"China" he simply cut in and plopped down on the sofa, immediately finding a comfortable spot.

"Ji, use the guest room."

"Too tired~" he whined, making the older man sigh.

"Okay, fine, I'll get you a pillow and a blanket, good?"

Jisung just lazily showed an okay sign and let sleep takeover.


The morning came, and Hyuck was all ready but was greeted with a dead chicken on the sofa.

He was all cuddled up, just his blonde hair peeking out under the blanket as he loudly snored.

Hyuck scratched his head as he literally forgot that the younger was there, walking in the direction and thinking about how to wake him out.

Just then, he grinned and cleared his throat. With a count of three,


Jisung immediately jolted up, adrenaline rushing as he walked around in panic, his hair sticking out everywhere, his face swollen, and his eyes wide.

"What, what, fire?" he kept on babbling, but then he saw nothing

No smokes, no fires, and obviously, a laughing Lee Donghyuck.


The younger man growled and stomped to the bathroom, making himself at home, leaving the tanned male on his happy death.


The boys reached the school in no time, and Jisung got ample time to run back home since their houses are just literally three houses away.

It's Friday, the last school day of the week, bringing the students to hype up because they can be free again tomorrow.

Jisung ran up on his building first, leaving the older man still on his own when he spotted a very familiar short girl.

Giggling, he ran, planning to surprise her, but she suddenly faced his direction, making him frown.

"Hyuck!" she beamed, and they met halfway.

Did I tell you that he's getting all dreamy if she'll call him by that name?

"What's with the frown?"

"I was planning to surprise you, but you caught me."

She laughed at that and ruffled his hair.

"Why are you still not in the building, anyway?"

"Oh I'm looking for Jaemin. He forgot to bring his lunch with him."

"Oh, he did."

"Don't you ever mention Yeoreum to him."

"Why not? They're mature enough to understand the whole thing!"

"How about I'll hand it? We're classmates in first period anyway."

"Really, thanks, Hyuck!" she flashed a toothy smile, her small kitten whiskers visible as she handed a three-stack lunchbox.

"Yeah, by the way, do you..." and the first bell loudly rang.

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say?" Yeoreum asked.

The boy just pursed his lips into a thin line and shook his head.

"Nothing! Let's go!"

"Yeah! I don't want to be late!"

They waved good-bye, and Donghyuck can just stare at her back until she's out of sight.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" he mumbled and sharply sighed. "Guest not" he shrugged.

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