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The connection between the four just got stronger with each passing day.

The girls openly talked about the sudden warmth of their hearts within the boys' reach, also cringing at the fact that they've been living off the same cycle of dreams since they turned 18 (for Naih) and 19 (for Yeoreum).

Currently, the siblings were sprawled on the comforts of Jaemin's bed, leaving the boy seated on the floor while enjoying himself on the Wii.

"It's pretty sudden. I thought it was over." Naih mumbled.

"Me too.. I mean, we were there for each other when we experienced those bloody episodes.. then it stopped.. and then.." Yeoreum sighed.

"What are you girls so stressed about? It's making my lovely roomie gloomy." he played with the words with a giggly tone.

"Girl things." Naih answered.

"Then do your girl things in your rooms. What are you doing here anyway?"

"We were bored, okay? And your room is much more spacious than ours, and you have WII" the short-haired man answered, making the male groan.

"Say, Jaems"


"What do you know about past lives?"

"Past lives?" he repeated while aggressively pushing the console. "Should I even believe in that?"

"Then explain what we're going through."

Jaemin paused for a second and ended the game, facing his biological sister right after.

"I thought we're done with this."

"But it came back! Can't you see? It's not just me. Naih's too!"

The youngest of them nodded.

"Then what should we do?" he asked, defeated.

"I don't know! It's killing us every time!" she slumped back on the bed. "You knew the boys. Can you ask them?"

"Ask what?"

"If they knew us," she replied, almost whispering, "these dreams are really something, Jaem; I can feel it—all the smiles, the tears, the pain—it's like I've experienced it all."

"None of us knew what this is. We tried searching; you've been there too, to help us, but we got nothing," Naih voiced out, "nothing but that damn past lives review."

Silence engulfed them for some minutes.

The male felt a sudden weight on his shoulders, unable to face the younger ones because he felt useless for not being a hands-on brother.

If only he knew.

"We're not even sure if that's your past lives kicking in. We're not even sure if all those blogs and reviews are true. Some of them can be fictitious, you know," he said.

"Hey," Jaemin called, earning their attention. "How about we ask one of them? One that encountered someone from their past?"

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UNTITLED UNIVERSE SPIN-OFF: TRY AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now