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"Eat up boys~" Jisung's mom called in, and the two boys immediately flashed to the dining table.

"Woaahh, this is a feast, mama Park!" Hyuck beamed, making the woman chuckle.

"You already know how we cook whenever Jisung brings a friend. Eat up."

"Thank you for the fooood~"

The four began digging in; the elders took the time to talk about their remaining business trips, while the youngers just ate in silence.

Jisung has been off since yesterday, calling the tanned male over.

Hyuck, who's been intently observant of his actions, immediately came, wanting to squeeze some tea from the younger

Dinner ended smoothly. The tanned bowed for a quick thank you again, and Jisung hurriedly dragged him to his room, locking it.

"Do you miss me that much?"

"Hell no!"

Hyuck chuckled and made himself free on the king-sized bed.


Jisung sighed and plopped on the sofa bed. "It's happening again."

The older man raised a brow.

"The dreams, the flashes—it's coming back."

His eyes widened and he sat up. "You too?"

"What do you mean, me too?" the blonde furrowed his brows. "Does that mean yours came back too?"

"Yeah, since we moved."

The two stayed silent for awhile.

"Naih." Jisung breathed out, "Is she real?"

"The dreams, the constant confessions, the death?" he looked up, tears forming in his eyes. "Is that even real?"



Hyuck immediately rushed to the younger and pulled him in for a hug, feeling him shake in his arms.

"Hyung, I need it right now.. whenever I face Lim Naih, the flashes are showing up often. When I look at her, I felt that damn longing. Hyung, what does that even mean?"

"Ji, calm down."



The younger flinched and stopped sobbing, now facing the older.

"I'm feeling it too, Jisung; I'M ALSO IN RAGE!" he said, taking a deep sigh.

"I don't know what the fuck is happening to me. Since I turned 20, those damn dreams have been eating up my remaining sanity, and then it stopped. AND NOW IT CAME BACK!"

"Since I saw Yoreum, it came back." His voice broke and he started whimpering. "I want answers too, Ji..so bad. I wanted to even ask her if she felt this way too.. those tattoos, Ji."

"It just feels so real," he said, staring at his wrist, seeing nothing. "I saw her name engraved on it."

"I'm sorry.. I kind of lashed out," Jisung whispered. "I'm just mad about all of these. I feel so brave yet dumb at the same time. I saw how she died."

"And I died too."

"We saw it too." The sudden voice made them snap on the doorway, seeing a familiar guy.

"Glad to see you again, boys."

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