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It was in the afternoon when the both boys received a call from a certain old friend, insisting that they meet up at an arcade.

So here they are, facing him, their eyes widening after seeing both girls behind him standing while smiling shyly.

"Jaemin, why you?"

"Alright! Why don't we introduce ourselves once more?" Jaemin enthusiastically clapped and looked at them, but it looks like no one wants to talk. "Mmm, okay.. Jisung, Donghyuck.. these are my lovely sisters."

"THEY ARE YOUR SISTERS!" the younger boy exclaimed, and the blonde just nodded happily.

"So, as I was saying, this is Yeoreum, and this is Naih. Girls, these are—"

"We knew each other, Jaem," Nih cuts in and eyes Jisung, who's already darted to her. "We knew" she mumbles under her breath.

Jaemin chewed on his lower lip, contemplating what to do, and his mind raked on what Jeno told him before they went on separate ways.

"Umm, why don't you guys go in pairs then? Hyuck and Reum? Jisung and Naih?" he casually suggested.

"Yeah, I think that will do." the tanned male agreed, reaching out his hand.

Yeoreum was stunned for a second but nevertheless took his hand after Naih nudged her.

And as usual, that damned electrifying feeling shot up not just on her but also on the boy, but both chose to be silent.

Jisung and Naih followed each other, only walking beside each other, and only their clothed arms were brushing occasionally.

Meanwhile, Jaemin excused himself, saying he's meeting someone, but he's just really on the food court until whenever he felt bored.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jisung asked, which made the girl lightly flinch at his sudden, deep voice.

"Uh, wherever you want to go?"

He glanced at her for a second, and the flashes of numerous weapons came back once again.

"Oh, oh, Jisung-ah!"

He followed her to where she was excitedly pointing and saw a zombie shooting game.

He mentally chuckled.

"Alright, let's go" he then swiftly took her hand as they ran ahead of the booth, not wanting someone to take it first.

"Dumb dumb doesn't know how to reverse properly" Donghyuck mumbled, making her laugh.

"Why? Can you do better?"

"This is just bumper cars. This is counted as children's play."

"Ooh, show me then."

"Oho! Are you challenging me right now?"

She just cheekily smiled, making him smirk.

UNTITLED UNIVERSE SPIN-OFF: TRY AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now