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The girls, together with Jaemin, are seated in a vintage-themed cafe, feeling so amazed at how the palette works in the 1990s.

They're waiting for a couple; they contacted me last night to ask a few things.

"Is this how a telephone works?" Naih asked a female staff member, who happily showed her the correct way to contact someone.

Yeoreum and Jaemin, on the other hand, stayed on the peach-painted wooden table, taking a sip of their drinks.

"They're late" Jaemin sighed.

Not long after, the door chimes went on, and Yeoreum's face lit up at the sight of familiar faces.

"Hi!" the female greeted.

"We're sorry. Traffic jams on Sundays are really crazy." the male said.

"No, it's okay.. Naih, they're here!" Yeoreum called, and the younger person immediately came over.

"You must be Jeno and Arin?" Naih asked, and the couple immediately nodded.

"I'm Jaemin. These are my sisters, Yeoreum and Naih. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us."

"Oh, it's all good! Besides, we're really excited to talk about that stuff. It's a mess from the start, you know? You never know if it's real or just a mere dream." Arin said.

"Yeah, ummm..how..did you?" Yeoreum shyly asked.

"Ah, it started when I turned 20, and I got random flashes and also dreams about Arin like every day and every night. At first, I was mad since the dream cycle was just a broken replay and I couldn't focus on my studies. Like you, it stopped in the mean time, and like you, it came back when I saw her." Jeno explained with his cute eyes.

"I'm at the mall that day, and I bumped into him in the men's clothing section. His face is really familiar, and my heart is really fluttering at that very moment. He asked me if we had ever met each other before, and I got confused for a moment, so I said no. But when we introduced ourselves and then we shook hands, that electrifying feeling really got us." Arin added.

"You mean that sudden spark on the contact?"


Their jaws dropped, and Jaemin had his eyes widen at the realization, "You girls really felt it!"

"And the end! Ya know, you girls should really, really talk with your partners." Arin finally ended her very long story time.

Well, the meeting ended with the three girls chatting and the two boys engulfing themselves in rounds of games.

The table is filled with snacks and drinks, and the constant talking just brought them closer, even if they just met for almost 2 hours.

"Wouldn't it creep them out?" Naih asked.

"No, I bet they're dreaming about you too." Arin winked.

"What if they don't?" Yeoreum asked.

"Oh dearie, your past life has already been waving at you since before. Those aren't just random dreams."

"And that longing inside you when you see the boys. Trust me, I felt that," Jeno added.


"No more buts! Go and call them."

"Call what!" the siblings exclaimed.

Jeno smirked and nudged Jaemin. "Ya, call the boys."

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