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"The activity is easy. You just have to read all these stories and write the answer in English, in essay form, that is!" Yeoreum beamed, but as she looked at the boy, he noticed him just silently staring at her. "Umm hyuck?"

"Do it. Shoot her."

"So you're saying I shouldn't go to you?"

"Yeah, fuck off."

"Hyuck." She poked his arm, and by the moment he felt the contact, he flinched. "Oh, sorry, it's just that you're spacing out."

"O-oh," he said, aggressively shaking his head and letting out a sharp exhale.

"Do you want to take a break? You seem off."

"What? No. Oh no, I'm sorry. Let's start."

"Okay?" Yeoreum shrugged, and they both read the short story in English, trying to understand it slowly.

Hyuck also came to the point that he used the translating app.

With the help of the third-party device, they both finished in a matter of an hour or so.

With booming laughs, they shared a high-five, but only when the contact sent an electrifying feeling, causing them to yell.

"Damn, what is that?" Hyuck asked while flicking his hand.

"I thought it's yours. It's so sudden, though."

They just chuckled it off.

"By the way Reum,"


"Can I get your number?"

That made her raise a brow

"Does it creep you out?" he asked lowly, making her laugh at how careful he is.

"No, you silly, it just came out unexpectedly.. here," she handed her phone, and he gladly followed.

They both exchanged numbers, setting random names, which they ended up laughing at.

The whole moment is rather at peace than chaotic, at least for them, ignoring the amount of stares they got.


Both Naih and Yeoreum reached their lovely 2-story house, racing to the front door as usual.

It ended up with Naih as the first one to step in, teasing the older on the process.

"I won, grandma."

"Excuse me, I'm just older by 1 year!"

"Yeah, whatever, snail."

"QUIT BICKERING AND LOOK WHO'S HERE!" A familiar, booming voice eventually stopped them from killing each other and ran to the living room.

"YOONOH!" they both screamed and attacked him with a tight hug, causing him to fall back on the sofa.

"Hey you girls, how's school?"

"Ugh, must you ask that first thing?" Naih grumbled while pulling away.

"Hey, sorry? Okay, let's ask another. How's life?"

"Wow, I'd rather answer the first one, Yoon" Yeoreum replied, making the older male chuckle.

"Same old, same old" Naih sighed and slumped on the space beside Yoonoh.

"Mhm.. by the way, I just came here just to give you these." He then pulled out a huge white paper bag, which the girls dived into.

"Wow, Yoon, is this?" Yeoreum gaped at the pair of pink ballet shoes.

"You bet it is."

"NUNCHUCKS!" the younger exclaimed and giddily flung it, playing some tricks in both hands.

"Child down, Naih." Yoonoh chuckled, completely satisfied with their reactions.

"How did you even get these?" Yeoreum asked as she tied the ribbons to her legs.

"I worked hard for that—NAIH! PUT DOWN THE KNIFE!" Yoonoh's roaring voice startled the girl as she cheekily smiled.

"Sorry, you know me."

"You're one dangerous girl" he chuckled.

"I don't even know why. I felt like flinging weapons inside mom's tummy."

"And me dancing!" Yeoreum gracefully twirled on her toes, perfectly balancing

Yoonoh contently smiled at the sight and stood up, fixing his shirt.

"You're going?" Naih pouted.

"Yup, I still have work to do."

"HR manager, huh?" Yeoreum smirked and hugged him. "Thanks, Yoon"

"Me too! Thank you!" Naih literally threw herself on his hold, "Even though we're not literally blood related."

"Awww, sweetie, ever since auntie married your dad, we became instant cousins; remember that?" he then placed a peck on their forehead with a smile. "I'll visit whenever I have free time. Right now, try your hardest to not bomb the house down until your parents come home, alright?"


"Very good"

With his last goodbyes, Yoonoh left with his car.

The two were silently slumped on the sofa, feeling their energy recharge from all that exhausting excitement.

"I have a problem," Naih started, which Yeoreum immediately attended to. "I feel something tingly with Park Jisung."

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