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"Dare, y'all are boring" Jaemin decided shamelessly as the tip of the bottle stopped in front of him.

They're already in the 3rd round of Spin the Bottle, and the game just played with a series of truths, except that Jisung chose dare and Donghyuck told him to be quiet for 10 minutes, which he surprisingly did.

Naih nudged Yeoreum to give the older a dare, and they all can just share a knowing look.

"I'll dare you to run throughout the neighborhood with no top on."

"What, are you crazy?" Jaemin exclaimed.

"You won't? Okay, umm, how about you call that Aeri girl and tell her you like her? How's that?" Yeoreum said with a challenging tone.


"Oh, c'mon, we're done with you pushing us to kiss and fuck; it's your time to fuck now, bro."

"I-JISUNG PARK!" Naih pushed him aside, making him fall on Hyuck's lap while burst laughing.

"Jisooz language" Jaemin sighed and reached out his phone.

"Kill it, loverboy," Donghyuck teased, and they all playfully howled at him.

The latter just rolled his eyes and pushed the call button of the certain contact, hearing it ring.

"Loudspeaker, please" Yeoreum added with a chuckle.

[Hello? Jaemin-ah?] a girl from the other line answered.

"H-hi, I'm sorry, are you sleeping?"

[No, but why'd you call?]

A bunch of giggles rose up in the air.

"Go on," Hyuck mouthed while cradling Yeoreum, whom he's back hugging with.

"Aeri I.."


Jaemin threw a glare at the others, who just looked at him with sparkly hopes in their eyes.

"I like you." and then he dropped the call.

"DUDE, WHY'D YOU DROPPED!?" Naih yelled.

"You only told me to tell her! Not to wait for an answer, you dumbfucks."

"Jisooz language hyung," Jisung giggled. "Okay, you spin!"

Jaemin clicked his tongue and tried his hardest to shrug off his confession.

"JISUNG!" they all hollered.

"If I'll hear one truth again."

"Dare! Okay, gosh." He cut Jaemin off, who just smirked at him.

"Aight, I want you to stand on the open field at Tantiana on Monday and shout that you love Naih."

"Bro, what?" Naih exclaimed, but the one who received the dare just grinned.

"Dude, that's fucking easy."


"Why should I be embarrassed about my love for you? I'm not a coward, Naih."

The certain word made the tanned breaths hitched, catching the short-haired's attention.

"Hey, you're not a coward, hm? You love me, and I feel it." Yeoreum whispered in his ear.

Donghyuck loosened up and nodded, flashing a warm smile. "Thank you. I'll always remember it."

"Alright, kiddos! Last round, then we'll sleep!"

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