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"Griff! We're gonna be late for school! Let's go!" I yelled, running down the stairs.
Griffin was already downstairs. "You're yelling at me, and I've been waiting for you for twenty minutes."
"Shit, sorry. Let's go."

When we got to school, Griffin and I walked in together. "Hey, bestie!" I heard Addison yell from behind us.
I turned to face her. "Hey, girl! First day of senior year! How do you feel?"
Griffin opened his locker loudly next to us. "I feel great, sis. Thanks for asking."
Addison laughed. "I wish I had a twin."
Griffin and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "No, you don't," we said simultaneously.

The warning bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch? Bye, Griff, Addi."
I walked into biology and found Blake sitting next to the only empty chair. "Blakey Bear!" I greeted him, sitting down. "You haven't been to the house in a minute. Are you and Griff still friends?"
Blake nodded. "We're cool. I've just been spending a lot of time with Amelie lately."

"Mr. Gray and Miss Johnson? Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher asked.
"Sorry, sir," Blake apologized.
I whispered to him. "Are you and Amelie official now?"
He shook his head. "Not yet, but we'll get there."

Class ended, and I headed to English. Mads was sitting towards the back. "Hey, girl! How has your day been so far?" she asked, motioning for me to sit next to her.
"Griff got mad at me this morning," I laughed. "Blake and I have bio together. Other than that, it's been pretty uneventful."
"Have you met the new kid yet? He's really hot," she said.
I laughed again. "I won't tell Jaden that you said that."
It was her turn to laugh. "You go ahead and tell him. Let him know that if he acts up, I'll leave him for the new kid in a heartbeat."
The teacher walked in and began class. I couldn't stop thinking about the new kid that Mads had mentioned.

The day dragged on, and I finally met my friends for lunch. I saw Addison and Bryce first. "Bryce, I'm so glad that you finally got a haircut," I said, tousling his hair and sitting down across from them. "Where is everyone else?"
"Kio is doing a semester abroad. Jaden and Mads are always late. Avani, Anthony, Amelie, and Blake went off campus for lunch today. I'm not sure where Griffin, Dixie, Josh, and Nessa are though," Bryce said, always one of the first to know everything about everyone.
"Hey, guys," I heard Griffin say behind me. "I hope you don't mind, I invited my new friend, Noah, to eat with us."
I turned to look at my brother and his new friend. He was tall, with dark, curly hair, and a bright, inviting smile. "I'm Grace," I introduced myself, "Griffin's twin sister."
Noah reached out to shake my hand. "It's nice to meet you. Moving out here in my senior year has already been tough, so it's nice to already be making some friends."
"Of course," I replied. "There's always room for more in this group."

Griffin and Dixie sat on one side of me, and Noah sat in the seat next to me. I got butterflies as I felt his arm resting against mine. "So, how long have you guys all known each other?" he asked. 
Bryce didn't skip a beat. "We've all known each other since kindergarten. Griffin and Gracie have kind of been the glue that's held us together all of these years. All of the guys were friends with Griff, and all of the girls were friends with Grace. We all started hanging out together, and now we're all friends."
"I'm pretty sure that he wasn't asking for all of that, Bryce," Addison said, popping one of his fries into her mouth. 
Jaden and Mads sat down next to Bryce and Addison. "Who's this?" Jaden asked. 
"This is Noah Beck, Jay," Mads said, extending her hand. "I'm Mads. It's nice to officially meet you."
Jaden looked confused. "Baby, how do you know this man's name if this is the first time that you're meeting him?"
Mads and I made eye contact, and I chuckled softly. "I'm on the welcoming committee for new students, remember?"
"That's not a-" Griffin started to say, as Dixie elbowed him in the ribs. Something clicked, and Griffin stopped talking. 

"So, Noah, tell us a little bit about yourself," I suggested, looking at him. Mads was right: he was really hot. 
"Okay," Noah said. "I'm from Arizona. I played soccer at my old school. I have two older sisters. That's pretty much it."
"You play soccer? I do, too," Bryce said. "Our friend, Kio, is a junior, and he's on the team, too, but he's studying abroad this semester. You should stop by tryouts today. A lot of our players graduated last year."
Noah nodded. "That's great! I would love to!"

Mads, clearly bored, interrupted. "What class do you have next, Noah?"
Noah pulled his schedule out of his backpack. "Um, it looks like I've got calculus."
Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. "I have calculus, too. We can walk together."
Mads looked at me again, winking. I shook my head at her, chuckling. 

The bell rang, and I looked at Noah, standing up. "Let's go, Noah. Our class isn't far from here."
Noah and I walked down the hallway next to each other. "So, you got to hear about me, but what about you?" he asked, nudging me gently with his shoulder.
"There's not much to tell. Griffin's my twin brother. He's older than me by five minutes. I play volleyball. That's pretty much it."
Noah laughed. "I'm sure that there's more to you than that, and I'm determined to figure it out."
We walked into the classroom, and I introduced him to Ms. Walling. We sat down next to each other, and I couldn't stop looking at him. 
When class ended, I asked Noah what his next class was. "Um, Spanish, I guess. You?"
"Misma," I replied. He looked confused. "It means 'same.' Oh, this is gonna be a long semester."

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now