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As prom came to a close, I held onto Noah's arm, walking carefully across the parking lot. The boys had taken a few cars there earlier that day so that we would have a ride home. "What are you thinking about over there?" he asked.
"How happy I am."
"Oh, yeah? What makes you happy?"
"You," I answered, smiling.

We had made it to Bryce's car. He had said that he would be waiting when we got there, but he and Addison were nowhere to be found. I shivered in the cool evening air, and Noah shrugged out of his suit jacket, laying it over my shoulders.
He kissed me slowly as we waited. Noah pulled away as Bryce cleared his throat behind him. "Sorry, guys. Someone had to pee and couldn't get her jumpsuit back on."
"Oh, hush," Addison said, playfully hitting him with her clutch.

We got into Bryce's car, and he turned the radio down to speak. "Last party at mine before graduation. Are you guys excited?"
I let out a sad sigh. "Excited, but sad. I've never gone to a party that wasn't at your house, Bryce. Your parties are always the best."
Addison chuckled. "That's very true. Nine times out of ten though, they end up poorly."
"Hey!" Bryce protested. "They do not!"
"The first one of the year ended with Grace, extremely drunk after an encounter with her ex, and you and Thomas rolling around on the ground over something stupid," Addison stated.
It was my turn to protest. "Hey! I can hear you!"
Everyone else laughed at that. There had been no lie in the story that Addison had told.

When we pulled into Bryce's driveway, Jaden, Mads, Josh, and Nessa were waiting on the porch. "How are you late to your own party, Bryce?" Jaden joked, catching the keys that Bryce tossed to him from the car.
The eight of us headed inside. Lisa had had us put a change of clothes in the guest room the night before, so I headed up there with the girls to change.

"Did you guys see Grace having a moment tonight?" Addison teased.
"Hey, I just love you guys!" I exclaimed.
Avani, Amelie, Dixie, and Cynthia walked into the room. "What is Grace yelling about now?" Dixie joked as she stepped out of her dress and into a pair of joggers.
"She got sentimental earlier because she, and I quote, 'just loves us,'" Addison explained.
"Wait, she has a point though," Amelie said, defending me. "This was kind of our last hurrah. There's not really anything left for us all together except graduation, but we'll be so spread out because of alphabetical order."
Avani noticed as tears filled my eyes. "Oh, don't cry. No. You know we're gonna be friends forever."
I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "You're right. Let's go get drunk, please."

In the time that it had taken us to change, the house had filled with people. It was a pretty typical Bryce party. I grabbed a beer from the counter and headed into the living room, looking for Noah. When I found him talking to Griffin, I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hey, baby," he murmured, pulling me around in front of him.
"You get a drink yet?" I asked, taking a sip of my beer.
He shook his head. "No. You want me to be able to drive you home, right?"
"We're staying here," I whispered, winking as I pulled away. "Have the rest of mine. I'll go get another."

When I got to the kitchen, Ryland and Kelianne were standing at the island. "Hey, Grace."
"Ryland," I replied cooly, grabbing two beers from the counter.
"Miss him yet?" Kelianne asked, rubbing his chest protectively.
I made a face as though I was pondering the question. "Let me think. No."

When I got back to Noah, he looked at me strangely. "Everything okay?"
"Just a little Ryland and Kelianne drama. Nothing a beer or two can't fix."
"We're about to take some celebratory shots, Grace!" Addison yelled from across the room.
I looked at Noah, and he laughed. "I'm not stopping you. Drunk you is kind of fun."

I made my way through the throng of people, saying hi to people that I barely knew as I passed them. "Give me two," I said to Addison as she poured them out.
I nodded. "One for me, and another one for just a little bit of courage."
"Courage? What do you need courage for?" she asked, pouring two out for me anyway.
I winked, throwing back both shots within seconds. "Thanks, love. I'm gonna go back to Noah. I'll see you later."

"I saw that wink all the way over here," Noah murmured into my ear as I positioned myself back in his arms.
"Wink? I have no idea what you could be talking about," I said, faking innocence.
He laughed, kissing my cheek. "Sure."
I handed him my empty beer bottle, searching for the extra one that I had brought from the kitchen. I spotted it on the bookshelf next to where we were standing and reached for it. "Noah, hand me that beer."
He laughed, handing it to me. I drank it pretty quickly, and he laughed again. "You're going kind of quick there, huh?"

I didn't respond, pressing my lips to his instead of another bottle. He groaned into the kiss. "You better be careful doing all that," he whispered as he pulled away.
"Or what?" I asked playfully.
Finally, Noah took charge, dropping our empty bottles in the trash can as we passed it. He turned the handle to the guest room, opening it and gesturing for me to enter the room first. He locked the door behind us, pushing me backward onto the bed. He kissed me deeply, moving slowly from my lips down my jawline, stopping to pull my shirt over my head and planting kisses along my collarbone.

There was a sharp knock on the door. "Grace! Are you in there?"
I groaned, pulling my shirt back on and heading towards the door. "What?" I asked angrily, swinging the door open.

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now