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"Alright," I announced, walking out of the kitchen. "You two are going to explain so that I stop feeling dumb."
Noah chuckled. "I can guarantee that there's one girl that you haven't considered."
"She has dark brown hair and green eyes," Griffin hinted, staring at his phone.
I ran through every girl that I knew. "I don't know. I can't think of anyone."
"She plays volleyball," Noah said, sighing. He was obviously frustrated that I couldn't figure it out, but I couldn't really help that.

"Oh my God! It's you, Grace!" Dixie yelled from the kitchen.
"That's funny. Who is it really?" I asked, chuckling. When no one else laughed, it clicked. "You're serious. You think I'm pretty?"
Noah's face flushed as he nodded. The fact that I had completely missed every sign was kind of embarrassing. "That took you way too long, sis," Griffin said, standing up and heading into the kitchen. I sat down next to Noah on the couch.

"Um, Noah," I began.
"It's okay," he interrupted. "You don't have to be interested in me. I just hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship."
"Noah, I am interested in you. Why didn't you just say so?" I asked.
"I figured that I was dropping enough hints, but I obviously wasn't."
I chuckled. "I'm just oblivious, Noah."
"I guess this is the part where I ask you if you want to go to the party at Bryce's with me Friday night."
"Yeah, of course. That'll be fun," I replied, standing up and pulling him to his feet. "Let's go get some cookies. She'll never let on that she knows, but Dixie makes the best cookies."

"Party in two days. Has Blake talked to his brother?" Griffin asked, picking a cookie up off of the sheet.
I shrugged. "I don't know, but the bottles have to come from somewhere."
"Let me know. Tatum buys me stuff all the time," Noah said, taking a seat at the kitchen table.
"Thank God! Blake's cool, don't get me wrong, but he's so forgetful, and Lisa prefers that Bryce drink in the house, but it's usually not anything very good," Dixie said, handing Noah and me each a cookie.
"You know, I don't understand why Bryce puts you in charge of planning the parties at his house," I mentioned.
"You want Bryce to plan a party? Everyone will blackout within minutes, and it would probably turn into some sort of orgy."
That was a fair point, so I left it alone.

Dixie's phone rang. "Hey, Charli. Oh, shit, sorry. Yeah, we're on the way now. Love you, too. Bye. Griff, we promised Charli a ride after school. Now, we aren't there. I told her that we were on the way."
Griffin picked the keys up off of the table. "No funny business, you two!" he called out behind him as he and Dixie headed out of the front door.
"Do you have soccer practice tonight?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.
"No, not tonight. Do you have volleyball?" Noah replied.
"No, Coach Thomas got sick last night, so she canceled practice until further notice. What do you want to do?"

Noah was already pulling out his phone and texting the group chat that we had added him to yesterday. "Hope you don't mind, but I'm telling everyone to come over. I want to get to know everyone better."
I chuckled softly. "Okay. That makes sense." There was a knock on the door almost immediately after the text was delivered. "I wonder who that is."
As I opened the door, Addison and Bryce came into the house. "We were driving by when we got Noah's text," Bryce explained. "Now, we're here."
Jaden and Mads weren't far behind. "What made you guys decide to skip?" Mads asked, setting her backpack down by the door.
"I'm just bored already. Plus I guilt-tripped Griffin by bringing up ISU. I can basically get him to do whatever I want then," I replied, shutting the door behind her. "Someone text the group chat and tell them that the door's unlocked. I'm not getting up to answer the door five more times."

I returned to my seat in the kitchen, and someone began to speak behind me. "If you ever leave me alone in econ again, I will hunt you down. Do you understand, Miss Johnson?"
I turned to see Nessa. "Sorry. How was the pretest?"
"It was literally five questions. If that's the reason that you skipped, you're crazy," she said, sitting down next to me.
"I just didn't feel like it today, Ness. I do have something to tell you later, though, so don't leave before I do."
By now, everyone was there, and Griffin and Dixie had brought Charli and her boyfriend, Chase, back to the house with them.

Amelie grabbed my wrist, dragging me upstairs to my room. When we got there, the other girls were already waiting. "Nessa said that you have something that you need to say, girl, and if it's not what I think it is, I'll probably cry," she said, plopping herself down onto my bed.
"Okay, so last night, after volleyball practice, I went to Noah's house. We did some homework, and his mom invited me to stay for dinner."
Cynthia laughed. "We know that's not everything. Spill."
"Okay, and when he took me home, I asked him about his first day. He said that he met a pretty girl, and I couldn't figure out who it was," I said, sighing.
"Yes!" Mads exclaimed. "He was totally talking about you!"
"You really can't wait to let someone finish a story, can you, Mads?" I asked, laughing. "I tried to guess it today, and Dixie ending up telling me. Then, he asked me if I wanted to go to Bryce's party with him on Friday night."
It was Addison's turn to squeal. "We have to all get ready together! This is like your first date with him, right?"
"Addison, calm down. I really don't think that it's that big of a deal. It's really more like friends."
Nessa scoffed. "Fat chance, sweetie. That boy is so into you. We're getting ready together. I have the perfect outfit for you to borrow. It will really bring out your eyes."

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now