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As the night died down, the couples began to leave. "I'm gonna drop Dixie, Charli, and Chase off. Do you need anything while I'm out?" Griffin asked.
I shook my head. "I'm good. Thank you though. Drive safely," I said, standing up to hug him.
"I always do," he said, winking. He left, leaving Noah and me alone in the living room.
"I had a lot of fun today. I want to thank you for having me skip today. It wasn't the most responsible thing, but I definitely enjoyed it," Noah said, standing up. "I better get home. My mom texted me about an hour ago."

I followed him to the door. "Noah?" He turned to look at me, and I stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his. It sounds cheesy, but sparks flew when I kissed him. It was like every care in the world disappeared, and I was happy.
Noah pulled away. "Wow. Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"
I shrugged. "It felt like the right thing to do. If I'm being honest, I've wanted to do that all day."
Noah pulled me to him by the nape of my neck. "I like kissing you," he whispered into my lips.

After a few moments, it was my turn to pull away. "Your mom is waiting for you," I whispered.
He chuckled softly. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded as I watched him walk down the sidewalk and got into his car. As he drove off, he honked his goodbye, and I sank against the closed door with a hand to my lips.
I didn't move from that spot until I felt the door try to open behind me. "What the hell are you doing, Grace?" Griffin asked when I moved and he was finally inside the house.
"I, um, I was just sitting here," I said, avoiding eye contact.
"Oh, you're blushing. Did you and Noah kiss?" Griffin teased.
"How did you know that?" I laughed. "Am I that obvious?"
Griffin nodded. "What else could have happened?"
"Well, he asked me on a date tomorrow night, so it could have just been that."
"I already knew that he was gonna ask you out. I think he forgets that I'm your brother when he talks to me," Griffin said, heading into the kitchen to clean up the leftovers. "He's a nice kid, so I don't really mind. If he pulls any funny business, though, you let me know."

I hugged Griffin tightly. "Thank you for being such a good brother. I know that I'm kind of a lot to handle sometimes. I appreciate you more than you could know."
"Don't mention it," Griffin replied, shrugging out of my embrace. "I'll stop that if you keep hugging me."
"Oh, you know that you love it when I hug you, Griff," I said, letting go. "I'll see you in the morning."
I walked up the stairs, and Noah's kiss lingered in my mind. I didn't know how much I liked him, but he made me feel special.

"Gracie! Get up!" I heard Addison's voice yell. I rolled over to look at my phone. It was seven o'clock, but why was Addison here?
I pattered down the stairs to the sound of her voice. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
She was sitting at the kitchen table, looking up from her phone when I entered the room. "Bryce and Griff had something to do, I guess. I don't know. I don't ask questions. Griff said not to let you sleep past seven when he left though."
"Wait a minute. Griff and Bryce left us both here?"
Addison nodded. "Griff said that he knows that it's his turn to drive, but Bryce is taking him to school."
I was really lost, but I nodded. "I'm gonna go get ready then."

I kept my date in mind as I got ready, pulling on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. It was still technically summer, but it could get chilly in Oregon. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and bounded down the stairs to Addison. "Let's go."
She got up, following me to the car. "What are you dressed so cute for?" she asked.
I could feel my face flushing red. I didn't answer as I turned the key in the ignition, and the rest of the ride was silent.
When we pulled into the parking lot, Addison spoke again. "Does it have something to do with Noah?"
"Yes. We're going on a date after we both get out of practice. He asked me when we went to pick up the food last night."

We walked up to my locker, and Griffin and Bryce were already waiting. "What took you guys so long?" Griffin asked, shutting his own locker.
"Well, someone left me this morning, and I didn't wake up until I heard Addison yelling up the stairs," I said, shutting my locker and turning to face Griffin. "Oh, there's Noah. I have to talk to him. See you later."
I walked past them all, catching up with Noah. "Hey, Noah."
"Good morning, Grace. How are you?"
"I'm doing okay. I just didn't want to have to wait until lunch to see you." As we stepped in front of the door to my biology class, I stopped. "This is me. I'll see you at lunch."
Unexpectedly, Noah wrapped me in a hug. "See you, Grace."

I sat down next to Blake, and I could feel him staring at me. "Can I help you?"
"Um, you and Noah, huh?"
"Addison and Nessa really told everyone already?" I asked.
"No one had to tell me anything. I just saw you guys hug in the doorway," Blake said.
"Oh, haha. Forgot about that."
"It just happened! How did you forget?" Blake exclaimed as the teacher walked in and began class.
"Okay, I didn't think that you would have seen it," I whispered in explanation.
Blake chuckled under his breath. "I don't think that anyone didn't see it."
The teacher shot us a look as we began our lab. "Can you do me a favor, Blake? Don't say anything to anyone, especially Noah. I don't want to scare him off."
Blake nodded in agreement.

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now