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"Griff! Are you ready to go?" I called across the hall. I was nowhere near ready, so if he wasn't ready, I might feel just a little bit better.
I heard him chuckle. "I haven't even started getting ready yet. I know that no matter when I get ready, I'll still be ready before you."
I curled another section of hair before responding. "Bet I can prove you wrong."
"Yeah? Bet you can't," he replied.

I finished curling my hair and decided to simplify my makeup, swiping a highlighter across my cheek and browbones. I changed into my sequin top and black distressed jeans before putting on the booties that I had bought to match the top. I stood in Griffin's doorway. "Look at that. I'm ready, and you're not. I'll take my win in the form of a nice lunch tomorrow, hand-delivered to my bedroom door."
He groaned. "You only got ready quickly to prove my wrong."
"I did. Now hurry up. We're already late."

Bryce's New Year's Eve party was always the best party of the semester, and Griffin and I were late to it every year. It was never intentional; one of us just always took too long to get ready.
Griffin came downstairs to see me sitting on the couch. "Oh my, God, Gracie! We're already late!" he joked, grabbing his keys from the front door. "I'm staying at Bryce's tonight, so I'm drinking. I don't know what your plans are, but don't drink until you're sure that you have a ride."
"Yes, Dad," I replied, hitting his shoulder playfully.

We walked into Bryce's house, and the party was in full swing. "Hey, girl!" Amelie greeted me. I hadn't seen anyone besides Noah and Griffin since the Christmas party at Addison's, so either Amelie was already drunk, or she was really excited to see me.
"Who's staying sober tonight?" I asked, hugging her.
"Avani and Mads. Noah said something about not drinking, too, but I don't know if you want him to take you home."
I thanked her before making my way into the kitchen. I grabbed a black cherry White Claw, opening it before making my way around the party, looking for Noah.

"Hey," I heard his voice behind me.
"Hey," I said, smiling and turning to look at him. "I was looking for you."
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder before leading me back out into the living room. "I know."
"So humble," I joked, taking a long swig of my drink. "Are you drinking tonight?"
"No, ma'am."
"Oh, so that means you'll take me home, huh?"
"Is that a question or an order?" he asked, tilting my face upwards to kiss me.
"You tell me," I replied, winking as I pulled away.

"Are you guys back together?" Bryce slurred, pushing between us and putting an arm around each of our shoulders.
"How much did you have to drink already, Bry?" I asked, noticing that the scent of the alcohol was heavy on his breath.
He shrugged. "Obviously not too much if I haven't blacked out yet. Addison appointed herself as my babysitter, but she got distracted."
I laughed and finished off the rest of my White Claw as Bryce reached for it. "Not today, mister. Get your own. Do you want to come to find Addi with me?"

Bryce ran off before we could even move. I looked at Noah and chuckled. "I'm gonna go grab another. Do you need anything while I'm out there?"
Noah shook his head, and I headed into the kitchen. I walked in to find Dixie sitting on the counter with Griffin standing in between her legs. I cleared my throat, reaching for a beer next to Dixie. "Don't," Griffin mumbled into Dixie's lips.
"You know, there are bedrooms upstairs," I said, laughing as I took a sip of my drink.
Griffin waved me off without detaching himself from Dixie.

"Welcome back," Noah said as I plopped down on the couch next to him.
"I just saw Griffin and Dixie."
"Yeah, I saw them shortly after you guys got here," he laughed, wrapping his arm around me as I nestled in next to him.
We sat together, and I nursed my beer slowly as we watched the people around us. Everyone looked so carefree. 2020 had been a hell of a year, and it was ending in the most perfect way imaginable.

Nessa brought me another drink and sat down next to us on the couch. "How are you guys doing?"
"We're good, Ness. How are you?" I asked, sitting up.
"Josh and Bryce are having shotgun races, and I got bored. Other than that, I'm really good. Did you guys get back together officially or?"
I had forgotten just how bold alcohol made our group of friends. "Nothing's official yet, Ness." I looked over my shoulder to see Josh looking around the room. "Looks like Josh is looking for you," I said, nudging Nessa and motioning over to him. She got up and headed over to him without another word.

The drinks were hitting me, and I got closer to Noah, whispering in his ear. "Follow me." The entire situation was giving me deja vu, but hopefully, this time would end up better than the last.
I led him up the stairs, and we stepped into the guest room. I locked the door behind me, and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss Noah gently. He deepened the kiss, picking me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "This might sound crazy," I mumbled in between kisses, "but I think I love you."
"Listen," Noah murmured, pulling away, "I think I love you, too, but we can't do this right now. You're drunk."
"I don't care. Just keep kissing me. I'm not even that drunk."
"You're slurring your words, Gracie," he said, brushing my hair behind my ear.

I sat on the bed, pouting. "You know, sometimes I wish that you were an asshole like every other eighteen-year-old boy."
He laughed, sitting next to me. "It's not that I don't want you, Grace. It's just that it's not right."

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now