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"Hey, Grace. Is everything okay?" he answered.
"Yeah, of course. I just wanted to let you know that I found my dress for homecoming. It needs to be hemmed, and the lady said that she can make your bow tie out of the extra fabric."
Noah gasped in excitement. "I bet you look great in it. I can't wait to see you in it."

We talked for a little while longer while I stood with Nessa, watching the other girls scramble around the store to find their dresses.
"Are you excited?" Nessa asked, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
I nodded. "I wasn't even going to go, but Noah got really excited about it, and I think that we could have a lot of fun."
Dixie dragged us over to the fitting rooms, where Avani had found the dress that she wanted. We oohed and aahed as Avani modeled it for us, and Addison peeked her head out of her own fitting room. "Guys, this is the one."
She was right. The length, the color, everything was perfect about this dress. Cynthia and Mads also stepped out of their dressing rooms and, having already changed, headed up to the register to check out.

"I guess it's just you and me left, Amelie," Dixie said, sighing as she plopped herself down onto a bench outside of the store. "I hated all of those dresses so much that I didn't send a single picture to Griffin."
Amelie rubbed her shoulder as we each took a seat on either side of her. "We'll find one, Dix. There's one store left to go to. Don't worry. If all else fails, you and I can take a trip to Portland and see if they've got anything there."

As we walked into the last store, everyone was determined to find Dixie and Amelie dresses. "What about this one?" I asked Dixie, holding up a pale blue dress that would be perfect with her complexion.
Dixie shrugged. "I just really want to make sure that it's perfect, you know? This is the last homecoming that Griffin and I will go to together. I don't know. That sounds ridiculous."
I shook my head as Nessa brought another dress over to us. "Dixie! Try this one on, now! I think that this could really be the one for you."
Amelie had also found a dress, and they headed towards the fitting rooms together. They both came out, smiling at each other before turning to look at us. "This is the one!" they exclaimed in unison.

Since we had all found our dresses, we headed to the food court to grab lunch.
"What's the plan for the day of the dance?" Addison asked.
"Griffin said that the boys already got a reservation at the steakhouse, and we'll probably take pictures at the lake like we did last year," Dixie mentioned.
Nessa interjected. "Okay, but whose house are we all getting ready at?"
We all looked at each other before we answered in unison. "Addison's!"

-three weeks later, day of the dance-

We had all slept at Addison's after the football game the night before, so Sheri came into the room, waking us up with cinnamon rolls. "Wakey, wakey, ladies! It's homecoming!" We thanked her, digging into the cinnamon rolls before setting out a variety of hair and makeup supplies. We paired off, getting started with our makeup first.
"Alright, Dixie. What are we doing?" I asked, sitting crisscross on the floor in front of her.
Dixie sighed. "Give me something neutral. I want my dress to be the statement for tonight."
I nodded and got to work, finishing up the look with a pair of false lashes. "What do you think?" I asked, holding a mirror out to her.
"It's perfect! Your turn!"

Dixie finished quickly, which should have made me nervous, but I knew that I was in good hands. She turned the mirror towards me, and I gasped in amazement. "Dix! This looks so good!" I thanked her as I admired the light purple eye look that she had perfected.
We each got started on our own hair. Dixie and I had both opted to wear our hair straight, but Dixie put hers in a high ponytail while I left mine down.

I looked around the room at the other girls. They had each kept their makeup fairly natural and light, but their hair is what really amazed me.
Avani had also straightened her hair, pulling it up into a messy high ponytail. Cynthia's hair was tousled and left down, and the result was stunning. Amelie had opted for her signature waves, which looked great with her dress. Nessa's hair was perfectly curled. Mads and Addison also left the hair down, putting it in loose curls.

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now