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Noah looked at his watch. "It's getting late. We should get you home." He stood up, extending his hand to help me up.
The ride was silent as he drove, and I took the opportunity to speak. "Thank you, Noah. I had a lot of fun tonight. I hope that we can do this again sometime."
"That's definitely my intention," Noah replied, chuckling softly.
This sentence gave me butterflies. We pulled into my driveway, and Noah turned the car off.

"Let me walk you up to the door," he murmured as he opened my car door. We walked hand in hand to the door, stopping in front of it.
"This is me," I said, not making any move to open the door.
"Yep. This is your house," Noah replied.
"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"I don't know why I'm so nervous. I'm just gonna go for it," Noah said, confusing me.
Before I could open my mouth to speak, Noah was kissing me again. I melted into his lips. It wasn't the first time that we had kissed, but I had a feeling that every time would feel just like the first. I didn't think that I could ever grow tired of this.
"Sleep well, Grace," he said, pulling away and kissing my forehead before heading down the driveway to his car.

I stood outside the front door for what felt like an eternity before I heard it open behind me. "That was the most awkward thing that I've ever watched. Get your ass in the house before you catch a cold," Griffin said, laughing at me.
"Why was that awkward?" I asked.
Griffin shrugged. "Probably just because it was my sister. I heard guys pull up, and I went to get the door, but you guys just stood there forever."
"You could've sat back down. I do have a house key, you know that."
"Maybe I just wanted to make sure that my little sister was safe," Griffin said, shrugging again.
I groaned. "That's the lamest excuse that I've ever heard. You probably told the group chat already, didn't you?"
Griffin feigned shock. "You and Noah are both in the group chat. Why would I do that?"
"You think that I don't know that you guys made a group chat yesterday to talk about the two of us while we were all together? The odds of everyone's phones going off at the same time are very slim," I said, chuckling. "Good night, Griffin. I'll see you in the morning."

As I sat down on my bed, a group FaceTime rang out. "How did the date go?" Addison yelled as I answered.
"It was great!"
"Um, ma'am, is there a reason that you kept it at that, and you aren't giving us any details?" Nessa asked, offended.
"In other words," Cynthia began, "spill!"
"Okay, so I don't know which one of you he asked, but he took me to my favorite restaurant. I told him that it was the sweetest date that I had ever been on, and he told me that I deserve it all."
"Aww, that's adorable," Amelie said.
"Shh, Amelie!" Avani exclaimed.
"What happened next?" Dixie asked. She would probably let Griffin know the events of the night, but at this point, I couldn't care less.
"He took me to this beach that he started going to when he moved here. We watched the sunset together, and then he took me home."
"You're seriously going to leave out the kiss? Unbelievable!" Mads exclaimed before covering her mouth with her hand. "Oops."
We all chuckled. "Don't worry, Mads. I already know that Griffin told all of you. How else would you guys know that I was home?"

We finalized the plans for the following day, and I hung up, changing into my pajamas. Tomorrow night would be the first time since we kissed that Noah and I would be spending time together with all of our friends, and I hoped and prayed that the alcohol would lower their inhibitions just enough for them to not ask any questions.

For the first time in what was probably years, I woke up before Griffin. It was only five o'clock, so I decided to make some breakfast.
I popped four slices of bread into the toaster and crossed the kitchen to grab the eggs from the fridge. I spotted the package of bacon and decided to make some of it, too.
At about five-thirty, Griffin pattered into the kitchen, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "You're awake before me? When was the last time that happened?"
I chuckled, handing him a plate. "I couldn't tell you, Griff. Eat up, though."
Griffin sat at the kitchen table, scarfing down the meal. "What are you doing after school?" he asked, wiping his mouth.
"We're all going to Addison's after school before the football game, and then we'll get ready for the party after, go to the party, and we're probably all going to stay there after the party."
Griffin nodded. "Okay, just be safe, and let me know for sure what you're doing."

I nodded, leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs to get ready. Griffin worried way too much, but it was endearing since our parents pretty much avoided it all.
I decided to put my hair into a simple ponytail since I knew that the girls, more specifically Addison, would be doing a variety of things to it after school. I pulled a football hoodie on, pairing it with another pair of distressed jeans before heading downstairs.
"Griff, you're going to the game, right?"
Griffin nodded. "Of course. Gotta support the boys, you know?"
I chuckled. "I'm ready to go if you are."

We got in the car and drove in silence. As we pulled into the parking lot, Griffin shot a glance at me. "I know that we talked a little bit yesterday, but I just want to ask to be positive. Everything went okay last night, right?"
I laughed at his concern, although, secretly, I loved it. "Like you said, Noah's a really nice kid. Everything was great, Griff. Don't worry about me."

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