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"Alright, Grace. I'm gonna go grab the outfit from upstairs so that we can do your makeup to compliment it," Nessa said, bounding up the stairs quickly.
I laughed at how eager she was, and I took a seat on the couch. "Don't laugh. She's really excited that you and Noah are hitting it off," Amelie said, taking a seat next to me. "You better be careful, though, because apparently, Blake wants to leave me for him."
We shared a laugh as Nessa came back into the living room. She held the outfit up excitedly, practically jumping up and down. The white bodysuit wasn't something that I would have chosen for myself, but Nessa looked so excited that I opted to give it a shot.

Addison combed through my hair, running a flat iron through it. She held a mirror in front of me when she was done. She had pulled the top half of my hair into a messy top knot. "Oh, Addison! It's so cute!" She hugged me and move on to her own hair as Avani stepped in front of me.
"You ready?" she asked, picking up a palette and a brush. I sat quietly, not moving. I gave Avani full creative liberties, so I had no idea what look she was going to create. "Open!" she exclaimed after what felt like an eternity.
"Avani, you have outdone yourself," I said, admiring the purples that she had swiped over my lids.
"Oh, stop. It helps that I have such a beautiful canvas to work on," she said, hugging me. "Go change. I want to see the final product."

I headed upstairs with Nessa in tow. "I brought three different pairs of jeans because I wasn't sure which ones you would want to wear." She held out a black, dark-wash, and light wash pair, waiting for me to choose some.
I chose the black pair, pulling them on quickly and finishing the look with my white Vans. "How do I look?" I asked Nessa.
She looked like a proud mom as she answered. "Beautiful. This couldn't have been put together any better."

When we got back downstairs, the other girls were ready. "Let's go!" Addison yelled. "The faster that we get to the party, the faster that we can come back and I can babysit all of you drunks."
Amelie laughed. "We're in this together, Addi."

Bryce lived about two miles away so the ride was short. When we walked in, the party was already booming in a typical Bryce Hall fashion. "Hey, you guys are here!" Bryce yelled from the countertop that he was standing on. I chuckled softly. If Lisa could see him now, she would pull him down off the counter by his ear. He jumped down, crossing the room to come greet us. I spotted Noah across the room with Griffin, so I grabbed Dixie's wrist, pulling her along with me, and stopping in the kitchen to grab us each a beer before we made our way over to them.
Dixie greeted Griffin with a kiss, and Noah wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him as he continued his conversation with Griffin. I stood there absentmindedly, sipping my beer. When I had finished it, I tried to pull away to go grab another, but Noah's grip on me kept me close. I grabbed the bottle that was dangling from his hand, taking a sip.
"Hey, that was mine," he protested, kissing the top of my head.
"I know, but you wouldn't let me go get another of my own," I replied, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing him softly.
He leaned to whisper in my ear. "You look great, Gracie."

I didn't know if it was the alcohol, or if it was the way that his voice said my name, but I let my guard down. I twisted out of his grip, grabbing his hand. "Come with me, Noah."
I weaved in and out of the bodies dancing in Bryce's living room. As I started to drag him up the stairs, I was met with the last thing that I could've expected.
Hearing his name, Noah stepped in front of me protectively. "Are you okay, Grace?"
I nodded, but I suddenly wasn't interested in heading upstairs. "I just need another drink.

Noah guided me back down the stairs, and we entered the kitchen. He reached for another beer, but I shook my head, grabbing the Svedka bottle instead. "Are you sure?" he asked.
I didn't answer as I chugged. It was easy to pretend that I wasn't hurt when I wasn't face-to-face with Ryland, but this was the first time that I had been this close to him since the year before.

When the bottle was gone, so was I. I reached for another, but Noah stopped me. "I think maybe we should try some water. What do you think?"
I hadn't seen him drink anything other than the half of the beer that I had taken from him when I got there, so I assumed that he was barely buzzed if he was at all. "I guess," I slurred. As he led me through the house with my bottle of water, I felt myself trip. Thankfully, Noah caught me.
"How about we go outside, Gracie? Get you some fresh air, huh?" Noah suggested.
I was in no shape to argue as he practically dragged me through the living room. I waved at Amelie as I passed by, and a look of concern crossed her face.

"What are we doing outside?" I asked, giggling as we sat on the front steps.
"I need you to answer me honestly, Grace. Do you still have feelings for Ryland?"
"No, Noah. I'm fine. I want to go home. Can you take me home?"
Noah nodded. "I'll text Griffin and let him know that I'm gonna take you home."

I sat in Noah's car with my head leaned against the window. He had gone back inside, probably to tell Griffin that we were leaving. His words echoed in my mind. Did I still have feelings for Ryland?

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now