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"Good night, Grace. I'll see you in the morning. Sleep tight," he teased, slamming his bedroom door in my face.
"Okay, whatever, Griff," I said, turning and going into my own room across the hall. The day had been exhausting, so it didn't take long for me to drift to sleep.

"If you're driving today, you should probably get up!" Griffin shouted through my door. I rolled over, checking the time on my phone. Six twenty-seven. He couldn't have waited until after my alarm went off?
I got out of bed, pattering to the bathroom that Griffin and I shared. As I turned on the shower, last night came flooding back to me, and I had never been so confused. Who was the pretty girl, and what had Noah said to Griffin?
The water cascaded down my back, warming me considerably. I showered quickly, knowing that leaving Griffin waiting was never a good idea. I wrapped my towel around me and stepped into the hallway.
"Finally. You take forever," he said, shoving past me to get into the bathroom.
When I checked my phone, it was only six forty-five. "I literally took fifteen minutes. Don't whine."

When I got back to my room, I quickly braided my hair, deciding to go for a light makeup look today. Griffin pounded on my door again. "It's seven! Are you done yet?"
"I've literally been up for a half-hour. Can you stop losing your mind, please?"
I heard Griffin's groan from the other side of the door, but I decided to ignore it. When I had dressed in a striped crop top and distressed jeans, I walked into the hallway and saw Griffin waiting on his bed. "Oh my, God! Can you hurry up?" I mocked.
Griffin rolled his eyes, standing up while he grabbed his backpack from the floor behind him.

"What did you mean last night?" I asked as I drove to school.
Griffin shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You said that you figured that Noah had said something to me. What did you think he would've told me?" Griffin pulled out his phone, ignoring me. "Fine, don't tell me. Be that way."
We reached the school parking lot, and Griffin looked at me. "How do you feel about Noah?"
I pulled the key out of the ignition. "He's a nice guy."
Griffin sighed, putting his head in his hands. "Never mind."

When I got to my locker, Addison was waiting with Bryce. "You're early. That's new."
"Ouch. You say that like I'm always late," I replied, opening my locker.
Bryce and Addison looked at each other and laughed. "Sure. You're totally early, or even on time, like every day," Bryce said, wrapping his arm around Addison's shoulder.
"Blame Grace. She takes forever. I don't understand why it takes her so long to look like every other girl that goes to school here," Griffin said, closing his locker.
Dixie came up behind him, hitting him playfully. "If I looked like you, I would do everything that I could to make sure that people couldn't tell."
"I don't know if I'm supposed to be offended or not," I said, slamming my locker shut. "I'll see you guys later."

When I sat down in biology, Blake wasn't there yet. I scrolled through my phone, finding a notification on Instagram that I had received a new follower: Noah. Blake sat down next to me as I scrolled through Noah's posts. "Does someone have a little crush?" he teased.
I felt my face grow hot. "No, he just followed me. I was just checking out his profile."
Blake laughed as the teacher began class. Whatever he was talking about was pretty boring, so I let my mind wander to my conversations with both Noah and Griffin.
I had gone through every girl that Noah could have possibly met yesterday, but I couldn't figure out which girl I was supposed to know that he thought was pretty. Griffin's statement had me even more confused. What did Noah say to Griffin that he hadn't said to me?

The bell rang, and I mindlessly headed to English. Jaden had been transferred to our class, so he sat in front of Mads and me. "How was your class with the new kid?" Mads asked, her facial expression letting on what she really wanted to ask.
At the mention of him, Jaden turned around. I didn't know if he had bought Mads' 'new student committee' excuse, but he clearly wanted to hear whatever I was about to say.
"He's really nice. We have Spanish together, too, but he could definitely use some work in there," I replied, laughing.
"I heard," Jaden began, "that someone had dinner at his house last night." He looked at me knowingly, and it took Mads a few minutes to catch up.
"You had dinner at his house last night? You move quickly," she said when she had finally put it all together.
The teacher walked into the room, and I was able to dodge the incessant questioning.

When the bell rang, I stood up at my seat, turning to face Jaden and Mads. "Do you guys want to walk to lunch together?" They both nodded, and I walked next to them as they walked hand in hand.
"Hey, Grace!" I heard a voice call out behind me. I turned to see Noah, and I stopped to let him catch up.
"Hey, Noah. How's the second day going?"
We walked the few feet to the cafeteria as he answered. "Better now." If I didn't know any better, I would think that he was flirting with me.

"Oh, look! The gang's all here," I said, sitting down next to Noah at the table. "You met Addison, Dixie, Mads, Bryce, Griffin, and Jaden yesterday." I motioned around the table as I named them all off. "Blake and Amelie. Josh and Nessa. Quinton and Cynthia. Anthony and Avani are down there. That's everyone."
Noah looked at me nervously. "I don't think that I'm ever going to remember all of those names."
I chuckled. "Imagine how difficult it is to remember everything that they're involved in."

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now