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I sighed, laying back on the bed. "Fine. Will you at least cuddle with me?"
He laid back next to me, wrapping his arms around me. "You can't fall asleep yet. We've still got an hour before 2021 starts."
I nodded as I yawned. "You can wake me up at eleven fifty-five." He didn't argue as I snuggled into his chest. I slowly began to drift off to sleep, and I could hear Noah talking to me softly.
"I'm sorry that I overreacted at homecoming. I lost valuable time with you, and we'll never get that back."

I woke up the next morning, and Noah's light snoring reminded me of where I was. I patted the bed around me, looking for my phone. I found it in bed next to me, and I noticed that it was at five percent and had a countless number of missed calls and unopened text messages. I opted to ignore them, sliding my phone onto the nightstand and curling back up to Noah.
I felt his hand stroking my hair gently. "Good morning," he murmured gently.
"Good morning. What happened to waking me up at eleven fifty-five?" I asked, looking up at him.
"You looked so peaceful, and I know how tired you can get when you've been drinking," he replied, smiling before kissing the top of my head.
"So we just stayed here?"
"Yes, ma'am. Do you want to go get breakfast?"

I got out of bed, searching for my shoes. "I don't feel very hungover, but I love the idea of free food. Have you seen my shoes?"
Noah hadn't moved. "You kicked them off after you pulled me in here. I have no idea where you put them."
I grabbed a pillow from the bed, hitting him with it. "You are the opposite of helpful, Noah."
He stood up, pulling his jeans back on from the floor. "Oh, found them."

I pulled them on, and we walked cautiously out of the guest room. "Good morning, lovebirds," a voice said from behind us.
We turned to see Bryce and Addison in the hallway. "Hey, guys," Noah said, putting his arm around my shoulder.
"I hope it's okay that we stayed last night, Bry."
"Yeah, of course. I would rather you guys stay here than drive drunk."
"Noah didn't drink. I just fell asleep, and he apparently didn't want to wake me up," I said, looking up at Noah and laughing.
"That's fine," Bryce laughed. "We were just about to go get some breakfast. Do you guys want to come with us?"

We piled into Noah's car and headed to a diner that had just opened up in town. I hadn't been there yet, but I had seen good reviews on social media.
"Welcome to Moe's! Can I get you guys started with something to drink?" the waitress asked.
We ordered our drinks, and a comfortable silence fell over the table. When we had ordered our food, Bryce spoke. "So, not to pry or anything, but what did you guys do last night?"
My face flushed as I answered. "Someone has morals, so we didn't do anything but sleep, Bryce."
Bryce and Addison both laughed. "Someone's a little upset about that, huh?"
"No idea what you're talking about," I replied, sipping my coffee.

The waitress returned with our meals, and we were quiet for a little while. Noah's hand was on my knee, and I felt at ease.
"What else are you guys up to today?" Addison asked, taking a bite of her eggs.
I looked at Noah, and he shrugged. "We didn't really make it that far."
"Rumor has it that my parents are supposed to be home today, but I've seen them all three times since this summer, so I'm not exactly in a rush to go hang out with them," I stated.
"Are you sure you don't want to go see them, babe?" Noah asked, rubbing my back softly.
"Positive. They'll just spend the whole time that they're here getting ready to leave again. Why would I want to subject myself to that?"

Everyone else at the table grew silent, not wanting to push the issue. They knew how I could get when it came to my parents. Griffin and I had been practically raising ourselves since we turned thirteen, so I wasn't exactly itching to idolize them.
"My mom is making some big dinner tonight, even though it's just the two of us. You guys are more than welcome to come," Bryce said, changing the subject in an effort to diffuse the tension that had risen at the table.
"Sure, why not?" Noah replied, looking back over at me.
"You know I love Lisa and her cooking," I said to Bryce.

When we finished our meal, Noah and I dropped Bryce and Addison back at Bryce's house before heading to my house. "What do you want to do until dinner?" he asked, pulling into my driveway.
I leaned over the center console to kiss him softly. "We could finish what we started last night," I teased.
Noah shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Is Griff home?"
"Don't know. Don't care," I replied, climbing into his lap and straddling him. I kissed him passionately, and he breathed into the kiss.
"Maybe we shouldn't," he mumbled as I moved away from his mouth, kissing down his jawline and stopping to whisper in his ear.
"Oh, but maybe we should."

"Inside. Now," he said, his stern tone giving me butterflies.
I listened, climbing off his lap and opening his car door. As I fumbled with my house key, Noah settled his hand on my hip, kissing my neck, and the door flew open.
Noah stepped back quickly, letting go of me as he came face to face with my dad. "Um, hello, Mr. Johnson. It's nice to meet you."
Dad looked unamused. "Grace, get inside the house."
"I forgot that you were here," I laughed. "Noah and I are gonna head upstairs."
"No. You're gonna head upstairs. Noah is gonna head home."
"Oh, so now you want to be a parent? I don't think so. Move, Dad."

My mom appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "What's the problem, honey?"

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now