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I sighed and walked down the stairs. "Where are you going?" Griffin asked from the couch where he was staring at the ceiling.
"Noah asked me to come outside," I replied, slipping some shoes on at the door.
Griffin jumped up quickly. "I'll come with you."
"Okay. You're being weird," I said, turning the doorknob.

"Where is he?" Griffin asked, smiling.
"I don't know, but I'm going back inside. It's cold out here."
"Wait, Gracie." I heard from behind.
I turned to see Noah standing at the end of the front steps, holding a volleyball. "What are you doing, Noah?"
"Catch," he said calmly, throwing it to me.
I caught it and read the words that he had written: 'I'd be set if you went to homecoming with me.' Tears of joy filled my eyes as I answered. "Absolutely, Noah."

Griffin looked so excited, and it made me wonder if he had known about this the whole time. "Get together so that I can take pictures for you, please," Griffin asked, clearly not giving us a choice.
I posed next to Noah, and I could see Griffin's face light up. "Why are you so excited, you goof?" I asked as he snapped picture after picture.
"It's good to finally see you happy, sis," he said, shrugging.
"Alright," Noah said, pulling away. "I know the girls are anxiously waiting for you to tell them what happened, so I'll let you go. I'll see you at school on Monday?"
I nodded, hugging him goodbye and heading into the house with Griffin.

"I can't believe that you didn't give me any sort of warning!" I yelled, hitting him. "I look like a frumpy bag of garbage."
Griffin chuckled. "You do not. If I gave you a warning, you would've known what was happening, and Noah probably would've been pissed at me for telling you."
I ignored his lame excuse and headed upstairs to call the girls.

"Hey, ladies," I greeted them. "Let's talk about what happened with Ryland."
I watched Addison's face fall, but she masked it quickly. "Okay, we're listening."
I detailed all of the events from the last night and this morning, not turning it into a very big deal.
"Did anything else happen?" Amelie asked, fishing for the information that I knew she wanted.
"Oh, yeah. Um, Noah asked me to homecoming."
The roar of excitement was deafening. "Ah! I'm so excited!" Dixie yelled over everyone else.
"Guys, calm down. It's not even a big deal."
"Um, homecoming is in three weeks, so we need to go dress shopping soon," Addison said, twisting her hair into a bun. "Does tomorrow work for everyone?"
"Wait, did all of your boyfriends ask you already?" I asked, confused. As far as I knew, Jaden was the only one who had officially asked. They all nodded. "Okay, yeah. Tomorrow works."

I hung up after we had decided on all of the details.
"Griff!" I called out of my bedroom door.
"Yes?" he called back, sticking his head out of his own door.
"Oh, hey. I'm going dress shopping tomorrow, so you'll have the house to yourself."
Griffin groaned. "That means that I'll be getting a million texts from Dixie, doesn't it?"
I chuckled. "She just wants to know that you like the dress that she picks out. It's not that big of a deal."

When I woke up, I dressed quickly in a simple outfit. I would likely be taking it off multiple times, so I didn't want anything complicated. As I pulled my hair into a messy bun, there was a honk outside. "Addison's here!" Griffin shouted from his room. It sounded like this day had started too early for him.
"Bye, Griff!" I yelled, slamming the front door behind me. "Hey, girls!" I said, getting in the car with Addison, Dixie, and Nessa. Amelie, Avani, Cynthia, and Mads were meeting us at the mall.

Addison led the seven of us through the mall, and she couldn't stop herself from window shopping at every store as she passed them. "Addi, focus," Dixie stated, steering Addison away from a pair of booties in a store window. "We are on a mission."
In the first store, every wall was filled with dresses. Every style, every length, every color. I browsed, but nothing caught my eye. The girls would hand me what they thought would look good on me, but I didn't like a single dress.
Nessa found a dress almost immediately. "This is the one. I'm sure of it." She was so confident in her choice, and I couldn't even find a dress to consider.

When the rest of the girls had decided that they were done in the first store, we headed to another.
Addison tried on a tight, red dress, showing it off to us, but she decided quickly that she wasn't a fan. "Grace, you should try this one on. You haven't tried anything on yet."
I shrugged, taking the dress from her and stepping into the dressing room. Red was not my color, but if Addison insisted that I try it on, I wasn't about to not. When I looked in the mirror, I decided that I loved the look of it, but the color was not going to work. "Addi, do they have this dress in any other color?"
She didn't speak as she went to peruse the store. The other girls stepped out of their own dressing rooms.

"Grace! That dress looks so good on you! You have to get it!" Amelie exclaimed.
I felt my face flush. "I don't know about the red color, but I really like the fit of it."
Addison came back before anyone else could speak, carrying the dress in three different colors. "Ask and you shall receive," she stated, holding them out to me. I chose one, and she took it up to the register, putting the other two back as I changed.

I paid quickly, calling Noah as we headed to the next store.

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now