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I nodded, and she took a deep breath before she spoke. "I never intended to hurt you, Grace. If I'm being completely honest, I was just so mad at Griffin that I wasn't thinking about anyone else. I knew that Noah made Griffin insecure, and I used that to my advantage without thinking of how it would affect you."
"Dix, he and I were never together then. I didn't have some sort of monopoly over him. That's like if Blake and Amelie never started dating, and she told me that I wasn't allowed to talk to him. That would be pretty dumb, especially since I'm the one that screwed up with him and not the other way around," I replied, hugging her.
She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I didn't want it to be weird between us."

We made our way back out to the table, and Noah and Griffin looked at each other before looking over at us. "Why do you two look like you just spilled the tea, and we weren't included?" Griffin asked, putting an arm around Dixie as she slid into the booth next to him.
I chuckled. "We were talking about how weird it was out here. I think everything's gonna be fine now," I explained, reaching across the table to squeeze Dixie's hand.

When our food arrived, I could tell that everyone had relaxed. It went by without incident, and the car ride home existed in the same manner.
We dropped Dixie off first, and the car grew silent as we drove from her house to our own. When we pulled into the driveway, Griffin headed inside, leaving Noah and me standing outside.
"Noah, I had a lot of fun today. I love you."
Noah didn't respond as he leaned down to press his lips against mine. I should've been mad, but the kiss was all I needed to confirm his feelings.

-three months later, one month before prom, at a sleepover at Addison's-

"Griff just assumes that we're going together because we're dating," Dixie began, "but I still want him to ask me. He didn't ask me last year."
Addison agreed. "Bryce never asks me to anything. One day, I just get a 'what color does my tie need to be?' text, and that's it."
"Josh has asked me every day this week like I'm gonna change my mind from Monday to Tuesday or something," Nessa said, laughing. "They'll ask. Don't worry. Apparently, there's a certain man that has convinced them that we deserve to actually be asked."

All the girls turned to look at me. "What?" I asked, looking up from my phone.
"She's talking about your boyfriend," Cynthia said, laughing at me.
"Sorry, he did what?" I asked again, still kind of confused. He hadn't asked me, so why was he convincing the other guys that they needed to ask their girlfriends?
"Noah told the guys to stop just expecting things from us," Amelie explained.
The look on my face must have said everything. "What's wrong, Grace?" Avani asked.
"While I'm super happy that he's convinced all of your boyfriends to ask you guys to prom, but he hasn't asked me."
Addison chuckled softly. "He's going to. Don't worry. We're going dress shopping tomorrow, so you're going regardless."

I laughed at how matter-of-fact she was and turned my attention back to my phone. Addison was right, but I was still nervous.
"Hey, guys, we have to run an errand," Mads said suddenly.
"You guys go. I'm not really feeling up to it," I said, laying back on Addison's bed.
"Um, no, we all have to go," she said, pulling me to my feet.
I looked around the room for assistance, but, when I made eye contact with Addison, she shook her head and pulled her own shoes on.

We got into a few cars, and I didn't pay attention as Addison drove. "Where are we going?" I asked, never looking up from my phone.
"You'll see," Addison said, making a sharp turn.
I leaned over to Mads. "Where are we going?"
"Addison just said that you'll see. Don't try to ruin it."
I groaned in frustration and went back to my phone. Noah wasn't answering any of my texts, and I was getting a little bit worried.

Addison passed a blindfold over her shoulder. "I need you to put this on, please."
"What the hell kind of errand is this?" I asked, not taking the blindfold from her hand.
"Just put it on," Mads said, snatching it from Addison's hand and throwing it in my lap. "Don't argue."
I groaned and put it on. They definitely owed me after this.

"We're here!" Addison yelled, and I felt the car shift into park.
"So, can I take this off then?" I asked.
"Absolutely not," Addison replied.
I felt someone open the door next to me and grab my hand, leading me out of the car. "Watch your step," Dixie's voice said.
"You know, I totally would, except I can't see shit, Dix."
"Sorry," she apologized. "Wrong choice of words."

The ground was soft beneath my feet, and the air was cool. "Will you tell me where we are now?"
Dixie laughed. "Not yet, but you'll be able to take the blindfold off in just a second." We walked a few more steps, and I heard Addison speak this time.
"Go ahead, and take the blindfold off, sweetie."
When I took the blindfold off, it took a few moments for my eyes to adjust. When they finally did, I couldn't believe what I saw.

Noah was standing in front of me, holding a bouquet of pink roses. They were my favorite, but I had never told him that. He stood behind a countless amount of battery-powered tealights that were lined up to spell 'prom?'
"Will you go to prom with me, Grace?" he asked, a panicked look crossing his face briefly.

He walked over to me, wrapping me in a hug, and I could see the flash of phone cameras going off in my peripheral vision.
When he let me down, I turned to face the girls. "You all knew about this?"
"Well, kind of," Dixie said.
"Jaden texted me to ask that we bring you out here," Mads added.
"She texted us all what was going on as soon as she said that we needed to run an errand," Addison said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Told you that he would ask you."

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