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Art went by quickly. None of my friends were in the class, so I kept to myself for the majority of it. I had calculus next, and Amelie and I sat next to each other. She and I hadn't been that close this year, and I was hoping that having this class together would change that.
We walked to lunch together, and it was like any other day. Noah had rejoined the table, and we all joked together like most of the last semester hadn't happened.
Josh and I walked to history together, and he joked through the syllabus. Quinton, Anthony, and I struggled through a marketing class together, and I finished up the day in government with Addison and Bryce.

When the bell rang, the three of us headed towards my locker. Noah was leaned against it, waiting for me. "Hey," I greeted him, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him.
"We'll see you later," Addison said, waving as she and Bryce headed down the hallway.
"Let's go," Noah whispered in my ear as I put my books back into my locker.
"We will," I whispered back, kissing him again.
"Maybe not in the hallway," Griffin joked, nudging Noah gently from in front of his locker.
"Have fun at baseball!" I yelled as Noah and I headed towards the parking lot quickly.

"Don't speed," I warned jokingly as he drove towards my house.
"I'm only going, like, three over, babe. It's fine," Noah said, turning into my subdivision. He parked in the driveway quickly, coming around the side of the car to open my door. He leaned in, kissing me deeply. I pushed him away, leading him up to the house.
I fumbled with my key, and I could feel Noah leaving a hickey on my neck. "Whoa, watch where you're putting those things," I joked, finally getting the door unlocked and opened.
Noah shut the door behind us, turning and pushing me against it. He kissed me passionately as he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs, laying me back on my bed when we made it into my room.

"And you're sure you want to do this?" he asked, in between planting kisses down my jawline and neck.
"If you don't stop talking, I swear to God," I said breathlessly. He took this response as a yes, unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my collarbone. As he kissed me, I reached for the hem of his shirt, breaking our physical contact just long enough to pull his shirt over his head.
I gripped his back, feeling his muscles moving under his skin and willing him closer to me. "I love you, Grace," he murmured into my skin. His breath left goosebumps as his hands roamed my body.
We lay tangled in my sheets as we finished. I traced his abs with a single finger, resting my head on his chest. "I love you, too, Noah."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God you said that. I got worried when you didn't say it back earlier."
I chuckled softly. "You know that I love you, Noah. Never second guess that." I looked at my phone, checking the time. "Shit, Griff is gonna be home soon. We should probably get dressed."
Noah and I scrambled to put our clothes back on. When I looked up, I noticed Noah staring at me with a smirk on his face.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked, turning to look in the mirror. I didn't notice anything out of place, so I turned back around to look at him again.
"It's just," he began, coming closer to me, "your shirt is inside out."
I laughed, shaking my head and flipping it right side out.

We headed downstairs just as Griffin swung the front door open. "Hey, kids."
I avoided eye contact as all three of us headed into the kitchen. "I could use a snack. What about you guys?" I said, opening the fridge.
I heard Griffin chuckle knowingly, which was painfully awkward, but I refused to address it. "Sure, a snack sounds great," he said, still chuckling.
Noah agreed, and I turned to see both of them sitting at the kitchen table.
I dug through the fridge, coming up empty-handed. "I've got nothing. Griff, it was your turn to go grocery shopping."
He shrugged. "Mom said that she would take care of it yesterday."
"When was the last time you saw that woman grocery shop, Griff? She used to have the groceries delivered when neither one of us could drive," I said, laughing.
"Let's just go out to eat," he suggested. "Mom and Dad left money for 'emergencies,' and this feels like an emergency."

Reluctantly, I agreed, and the three of us got in the car, stopping at the D'Amelios' house to pick up Dixie. We drove in awkward silence until Griffin pulled into the parking lot of Romano's. "Alright, dinner's on me," Griffin said, parking near the door.
"You mean dinner's on your parents," Dixie joked.
As we walked in, Giana greeted us. "You guys didn't order tonight."
I shook my head. "Nope. We're eating in tonight, Giana. Hope that's okay."
"Of course it is. You know that we love the Johnson twins," she said, grabbing some menus and leading us to a booth.

We talked a little bit as we looked over the menu. I couldn't tell if it was just me, but there was an awkward vibe that fell over the table. When I looked up and caught Dixie's gaze, I realized that it wasn't just me. "Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Wanna come with, Dix?"
She nodded, and we crossed the restaurant to the bathroom. As the door slammed behind us, I turned to look at her, and we both burst into laughter. "There is so much tension out there," Dixie said in between laughs.
"I know! The whole thing shouldn't be weird at this point, but I don't know. It just is. Griffin definitely wasn't thinking," I said, wiping a tear from my face.
Dixie's face suddenly got serious. "Grace, can I talk to you about something real quick before we go back out there?"

The New Kid: a Noah Beck Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now