Part 11

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" So what exactly are you planning to put in the video?"  Zain asked. We were sitting in the office after lunch. It was only me, the boys and their publicist as well their producer Jason. Others were in their own meeting. Rachel was meet g her team so were Lou and Lottie. The lunch was amazing, I met so many people and honestly, it will take time for me to remember all of their names. I don't think about the first hour of the lunch we even had something, we were just going around talking and meeting people and thanks to Jefferey, he helped me meet everyone. So, this way any help with the management stuff, I would know who to reach out to. Rachel was doing the same too, I think she was the only American in the whole team but I don't think any difference was made. They made sure 

" I was thinking why not highlight those moments from the past that are loved both the buys and the fans. Like some phrases that fans love so much and would make them emotional just hearing it again. Now, this would be reminiscing the past, now we come to the present where each of the boys talks about their solo experience and there will be no questions asked to you guys. You say what you really want to say and not like a speech but something honest like you all have always been but this time with no polishing or anything of that sort. The pictures and the presentation part is something that I am still working on." I completed. The boys looked happy and seemed to like the plan.

"That's a great plan. I love it. We should start working on it as soon as everyone in the crew is informed and the boys are ready. " Jason says looking at the boys for any confirmation and they agreed, really happy.

The meeting continued with another 39 mins with the boys giving their own inputs.

"Alright great going everyone and Katherine you are already doing a great job, keep it up, honey.  " Zain said winding up the meeting by collecting his papers and getting ready to leave with Jason.

" Um thank you and I will send you the social media details soon," I said and he nodded.

" Don't worry take your time. " He assured and I was internally relieved because I was kind of tired. I just needed a glass wine right now, desperately.

Jason and Zain left the office busy in conversation with each other and the boys and I sat down again letting out a sigh. 

" I love your ideas, Kat. Honestly, I don't think we ever had any manager or any staff in our team who considered each and every point of view and put them together. " Liam says and Niall places one of his arms around my shoulder.

" Yup never had anyone like you in our team ever and that is remarkable," Niall says, squeezing my shoulders and I smile.

"Well, I am just doing my job. " I shrugged.

Louis shakes his head, " Anyway, are you going to go home now and then come for dinner to my place? " Louis asked.

" Honestly I don't really know, depends on when Rachel finishes her meeting. " I replied.

" No, the reason I asked is there is no point in you girls good home now and then coming to my place. You should directly cone there. It would be more convenient." He said and I nodded.

" Yeah, I will do that. "

" Anyway, Lots and Lou were planning to do that itself. " Harry added and I nodded. I quickly sent a text to Rachel asking if she was done and within 2 seconds I got the reply informing me that she was done before and she was sitting in the office with Lottie and Lou waiting for us to be finished with our meeting. I told the boys that and we laughed and called them in.

The door opened the next second with 2 blonde girls and one with brown hair.

"Alright, when are we going back home?" Lottie asks the moment she takes a seat next to me.

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